Class Invitation

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.invitations.Invitation
All Implemented Interfaces

public class Invitation
extends Object
implements Serializable

Represents an invitation stored in the system that has been sent to a single user. The wlsUserName field of this object may be null in the case of an external Invitee. The validationText, invitationPayload and expirationDate may also be null if the inviting application did not originally specify them.

For more information see the discussion of invitations or the overview of community functionality.

See Also
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 String getAttribute(String attributeName)
          Retrieves the specified attribute for this invitation.
 CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityId()
          Gets the CommunityDefinitionId of the community this invitation is for.
 Timestamp getCreationDate()
          Gets the time this invitation was created.
 Timestamp getExpirationDate()
          Gets the time this invitation is set to expire.
 String getFromWlsUserName()
          Returns the user name of the user who sent this invitation.
 String getInvitationPayload()
          Gets the payload for this invitation.
 InvitationStatus getInvitationStatus()
          Returns the status of this invitation, such as sent, accepted, rejected, revoked or expired.
 Collection<MembershipCapability> getInviteCapabilities()
          Gets the set of community membership capabilities assigned to this invitation.
 String getInviteeAddress()
          Returns the address (email, IM, etc.) this invitation was sent to.
 InviteeId getInviteeId()
          Returns the invitee ID for this invitation, which uniquely identifies a single invitation for a single user.
 String getValidationText()
          Returns the validation text associated with this invitation, which can be used to validate that the user applying for community membership is the intended recipient of this invitation.
 String getWlsUserName()
          Gets the WLS user name for this invitation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String getWlsUserName()
Gets the WLS user name for this invitation.

the WLS user name for this invitation


public String getFromWlsUserName()
Returns the user name of the user who sent this invitation.

the WLS user name of the user who sent this invitation


public String getValidationText()
Returns the validation text associated with this invitation, which can be used to validate that the user applying for community membership is the intended recipient of this invitation. For example, if the invitation was sent out through an email to a user, this validation text can be included in the email so that when the user applies for membership in the community it can be verified that they received the invitation email.

the validation text associated with this invitation


public InvitationStatus getInvitationStatus()
Returns the status of this invitation, such as sent, accepted, rejected, revoked or expired.

InvitationStatus of this invitation


public CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityId()
Gets the CommunityDefinitionId of the community this invitation is for.

the CommunityDefinitionId of the community this invitation is for


public Timestamp getCreationDate()
Gets the time this invitation was created.

the time this invitation was created.


public Timestamp getExpirationDate()
Gets the time this invitation is set to expire.

the time this invitation is set to expire


public String getInvitationPayload()
Gets the payload for this invitation. This may be a textual message inviting the user to join a community, but the actual payload is implementation-specific. The invitation payload is not used internally by the community framework and can be used for any purpose the developer sees fit.

the payload for this invitation


public InviteeId getInviteeId()
Returns the invitee ID for this invitation, which uniquely identifies a single invitation for a single user.

the InviteeId for this invitation.


public String getInviteeAddress()
Returns the address (email, IM, etc.) this invitation was sent to.

the address this invitation was sent to.


public String getAttribute(String attributeName)
Retrieves the specified attribute for this invitation.

attributeName - the name of the attribute to retrieve.
the specified attribute, or null if the attribute does not exist.


public Collection<MembershipCapability> getInviteCapabilities()
Gets the set of community membership capabilities assigned to this invitation. These capabilities are usually assigned to the user for the community when they join the community, so this enables inviting a user to a community to serve in a particular capacity.

the set of capabilities assigned to this invitation.

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