Class SimpleInviteeIterator

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.invitations.SimpleInviteeIterator
All Implemented Interfaces
InviteeIterator, Serializable, Iterator<Invitee>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleInviteeIterator
extends Object
implements InviteeIterator

SimpleInviteeIterator provides an InviteeIterator implementation that allows developers to collect up a set of Invitee objects one at a time for consumption by the Communities Invitation framework. This InviteeIterator is most useful for cases where the Communities application needs to indiviudally specify all portions of each Invitee object, such as is the case when inviting external users or when the user doing the invitation needs to specify messaging addresses that are not already known to the framework via the MessagingAddress mappings to User Profile values.

For more information see the discussion of invitations or the overview of community functionality.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new, empty iterator.
Method Summary
 void addInvitee(Invitee invitee)
          Adds an Invitee to this iterator.
 void close()
          Called by the framework to end iteration.
 boolean hasNext()
 Invitee next()
 void open()
          Called by the framework to begins iteration.
 void remove()
          Not supported by this iterator
 void reset()
          Resets this iterator.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleInviteeIterator()
Constructs a new, empty iterator.

Method Detail


public void addInvitee(Invitee invitee)
Adds an Invitee to this iterator.

invitee - the invitee to add


public boolean hasNext()
Specified by:
hasNext in interface Iterator<Invitee>


public Invitee next()
Specified by:
next in interface Iterator<Invitee>


public void remove()
Not supported by this iterator

Specified by:
remove in interface Iterator<Invitee>


public void reset()
           throws InviteeIteratorException
Description copied from interface: InviteeIterator
Resets this iterator. After this call, calls to hasNext and next will begin at the beginning of the internal collection of Invitees

Specified by:
reset in interface InviteeIterator


public void open()
          throws InviteeIteratorException
Description copied from interface: InviteeIterator
Called by the framework to begins iteration. After this call, calls to hasNext and next will begin at the beginning of the internal collection of Invitees. The framework calls this method before the InviteeIterator is sent to CommunityInviter implementations, so it is unnecessary for CommunityInviter objects to call this method.

Specified by:
open in interface InviteeIterator


public void close()
Description copied from interface: InviteeIterator
Called by the framework to end iteration. After this call, all calls to hasNext should return false, and all call to next should return null. Iteration can be resumed by calling open. The framework calls this method before the InviteeIterator is sent to CommunityInviter implementations, so it is unnecessary for CommunityInviter objects to call this method.

Specified by:
close in interface InviteeIterator

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