Interface CommunityInviter

All Superinterfaces
All Known Implementing Classes:
EmailInviter, NotificationInviter

public interface CommunityInviter
extends Serializable

SPI interface that can be implemented to provide concrete Communities invitation facilities for a specific messaging communications method such as email, IM, notifications or any other channel that an application needs.

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to release any resources obtained during init or to perform any necessary cleanup operations.
 void init(InvitationDetails details)
          Allows CommunityInviter implementations the opportunity to perform any necessary initialization operations such as obtaining necessary resources such as database connections or loading file contents.
 void sendInvitations(InviteeIterator invitees)
          Sends individual invitations to the set of Invitees contained within the input InviteeIterator, according to the details for the invitation as contained in the input InvitationDetails argument.

Method Detail


void init(InvitationDetails details)
          throws InviteException
Allows CommunityInviter implementations the opportunity to perform any necessary initialization operations such as obtaining necessary resources such as database connections or loading file contents.

details - the specific details of the invitation


void sendInvitations(InviteeIterator invitees)
                     throws InviteException
Sends individual invitations to the set of Invitees contained within the input InviteeIterator, according to the details for the invitation as contained in the input InvitationDetails argument.

invitees - an iterator containing all invitees to invite


void destroy()
Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to release any resources obtained during init or to perform any necessary cleanup operations.

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