Class PathResolver

  extended by com.bea.netuix.laf.genes.mutators.PathResolver
All Implemented Interfaces
Mutator, Serializable

public class PathResolver
extends Object
implements Mutator

PathResolver performs path resolution for Look and Feel resources. It provides functionality similar to HtmlPathResolver for genes. Resource paths specified as gene values are resolved based on the search path of the specified (as "path-type") resource type. For example:

 <gene name="icon">
  <mutator name="path-resolver">
   <arg name="path-type">images</arg>
The resulting gene value will be the resolved path of the icon.gif image based on the configured skin image search path.

See Also
HtmlPathResolver, "Skin and Skeleton configuration element <render-dependencies>", Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String mutate(String mutatorName, String currentValue, Gene gene, Map<String,String> args, MutationContext context)
          Performs image path resolution for resource path specified as a gene value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathResolver()
Method Detail


public String mutate(String mutatorName,
                     String currentValue,
                     Gene gene,
                     Map<String,String> args,
                     MutationContext context)
Performs image path resolution for resource path specified as a gene value. The following arguments are supported by this mutator:

argument required? value notes
path-type yes one of: "links", "scripts", "styles", "images" "images" path-type is only applicable for skin-related genes

Specified by:
mutate in interface Mutator
mutatorName - Ignored
currentValue - Parital resource path to resolve
args - See above
gene - The gene being mutated
context - The context for mutation
The resolved resource path

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