Interface JobManagerService

public interface JobManagerService

The JobManagerService interface provides for creating app or web app scoped JobManagers for scheduling jobs.

In order to access the JobManager service do:

com.bea.p13n.jobmanager.service.JobManagerService jm =;

Method Summary
 JobManager getJobManager()
          Returns an app scoped JobManager instance.
 JobManager getJobManager(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
          Returns the web app scoped JobManager.

Method Detail


JobManager getJobManager()
Returns an app scoped JobManager instance.

an app scoped JobManager instance.


JobManager getJobManager(javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext)
Returns the web app scoped JobManager. The web app is identified by the given servletContext. This Job Manager will be able to manage and schedule jobs within the scope of the given web app.

servletContext - The servletContext of a web app.
The web app scoped Job Manager.

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