Interface ResourceServingPortlet

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ResourceServingPortlet

The ResourceServingPortlet interface allows serving resources through the portlet.

The portlet container must call this method for links created by the RenderResponse.createResourceURL() call. If the portlet creates resource URLs with RenderResponse.createResourceURL() it must implement this lifecycle method.


Method Summary
 void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response)
          Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to generate the resource content based on its current state.

Method Detail


void serveResource(ResourceRequest request,
                   ResourceResponse response)
                   throws PortletException,
Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to generate the resource content based on its current state. The portal / portlet container must not render any output in addition to the content returned by the portlet. The portal / portlet container should expect that the portlet may return binary content for a renderResource call.

request - the resource request
response - the resource response
PortletException - if the portlet has problems fulfilling the rendering request
UnavailableException - if the portlet is unavailable to perform render at this time
PortletSecurityException - if the portlet cannot fullfill this request because of security reasons
IOException - if the streaming causes an I/O problem

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