Interface DiscountAssociationMgr

All Superinterfaces
javax.ejb.EJBObject, Remote


public interface DiscountAssociationMgr
extends javax.ejb.EJBObject

This interface defines the public interface of the DiscountAssociationMgr service. This service is responsible for associating Customers, using thier CustomerPK, with discounts. Once the association has been made the number of times the customer has used the discount is tracked. The user can only use the discount up to the number of time specified in the discount's allowedUses field. There is a minor difference in the way user's become associated with discounts depending on whether the discount is global or not. For non-global discounts the user must be associated with the discount, prior to attempting to use it, using either of this class's add methods. The discount can then be used, which from the point of view of this service means calling this class's updateUses method. This method is called by the pricing service. In the case of global discounts, which by definition are available to all customers the pricing serivce simply calls updateUsesGlobal. This method call will create the association, setting the use count to 1, if one does not already exist or attempt to the use count if the association already exists. In either case if a call to updateUses or updateUsesGlobal would cause the association's use count to exceed the discount's allowed uses limit those methods will throw a UseCountLimitException and not update the association's use count.

Method Summary
 void add(CustomerPk user, QualificationDiscountId discountId, String description)
          Deprecated Creates an association between the Customer specified by the user parameter and the discount specified by the discountId parameter.
 void add(CustomerPk user, String applicationName, String discountName, String description)
          Deprecated Creates an association between the Customer specified by the user parameter and the discount specified by the setName and discountName parameters.
 int archive()
          Deprecated Not currently implemented, throws UnsupportedOperationException if called
 DeleteResults delete(QualificationDiscountId discountId)
          Deprecated Delete the associations for the given discount ID.
 DeleteResults delete(String applicationName, String discountName)
          Deprecated Delete the associations for the given discount described by set name and discount name
 int prune()
          Deprecated Not currently implemented, throws UnsupportedOperationException if called
 int prune(QualificationDiscountId discountId)
          Deprecated Not currently implemented, throws UnsupportedOperationException if called
 Set queryGlobal(CustomerPk user, Set idSet)
          Deprecated Gets all of the user's discount associations where the discount in the association is global
 Set queryUser(CustomerPk user, Set idSet)
          Deprecated Gets all of the user's discount associations where the discount in the association is non-global
 void updateUses(CustomerPk user, Set discountIds)
          Deprecated Updates the use count for each of the associations for this user whose discount id is in the Set specified by discountIds.
 void updateUsesGlobal(CustomerPk user, Set discountIds)
          Deprecated Updates the use count for each of the associations for this user whose discount id is in the Set specified by discountIds.
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Method Detail


void add(CustomerPk user,
         QualificationDiscountId discountId,
         String description)
         throws RemoteException,
Creates an association between the Customer specified by the user parameter and the discount specified by the discountId parameter. An optional description may also be supplied that should indicate how or why the association was created. Only non-global discounts can be associated with a user through this method call. Any attempt to specify a global discount will result in an InvalidAssociationException being thrown.

user - the CustomerPk of the customer being associated with the discount specified by discountId
discountId - the QualificationDiscountId of the discount being associated with the customer specified by user
description - a String describing how or why the association is being created
AssociationCreationException - if the association could not be created due to a system level failure
InvalidAssociationException - if the discount specified is global
DiscountNotFoundException - if the specified discount cannot be found.
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


void add(CustomerPk user,
         String applicationName,
         String discountName,
         String description)
         throws RemoteException,
Creates an association between the Customer specified by the user parameter and the discount specified by the setName and discountName parameters. An optional description may also be supplied that should indicate how or why the association was created. Only non-global discounts can be associated with a user through this method call. Any attempt to specify a global discount will result in an InvalidAssociationException being thrown.

user - the CustomerPk of the customer being associated with the discount specified by setName and discountName
applicationName - the current J2EE application name
discountName - the discount name of the discount being associated with the customer specified by user
description - a String describing how or why the association is being created
AssociationCreationException - if the association coul not be created due to a system level failure
InvalidAssociationException - if the discount specified is global
DiscountNotFoundException - if the specified discount cannot be found.
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


Set queryUser(CustomerPk user,
              Set idSet)
              throws RemoteException
Gets all of the user's discount associations where the discount in the association is non-global

user - the CustomerPk of the customer whose discount associations are being fetched
idSet - an empty Set into which the results of this method call are placed. Anything previously in the set is deleted.
a Set, the one passed in the idSet paramter, of DiscountAssociation objects that have the specified user as an element. The set will be empty if there are no discount associations for the user
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


Set queryGlobal(CustomerPk user,
                Set idSet)
                throws RemoteException
Gets all of the user's discount associations where the discount in the association is global

user - the CustomerPk of the customer whose discount associations are being fetched
idSet - an empty Set into which the results of this method call are placed. Anything previously in the set is deleted.
a Set, the one passed in the idSet paramter, of DiscountAssociation objects that have the specified user as an element. The set will be empty if there are no discount associations for the user
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


void updateUses(CustomerPk user,
                Set discountIds)
                throws RemoteException,
Updates the use count for each of the associations for this user whose discount id is in the Set specified by discountIds. If any of the association updates results in the association's use count exceeding the discount's allowed uses a UseCountLimitException is thrown. This method call is intended for updating associations whose discount is non-global. If any of the discounts specified in the discountIds set are global an InvalidAssociationException is thrown. All of the discount associations specified must have already been created using one of this class's add methods.

user - the CustomerPk of the customer whose discount associations are being updated
discountIds - a Set of QualificationDiscountIds that specifies which of the user's associations to update
AssociationNotFoundException - if the association specified by the user and any of the QualificationDiscountIds in discountIds can not be found
UseCountLimitException - if the use count limit has been reached
InvalidAssociationException - if any of the discounts specified in discountIds are global
DiscountNotFoundException - if any of the discounts specified in discountIds can not be found
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


void updateUsesGlobal(CustomerPk user,
                      Set discountIds)
                      throws RemoteException,
Updates the use count for each of the associations for this user whose discount id is in the Set specified by discountIds. If any of the association updates results in the association's use count exceeding the discount's allowed uses a UseCountLimitException is thrown. This method call is intended for updating associations whose discount is global. If any of the discounts specified in the discountIds set are non-global an InvalidAssociationException is thrown. This method is slightly different from updateUses in that if the association specified doesn't already exists an attempt will be made to create it setting it's intial use count to 1.

user - the CustomerPk of the customer whose discount associations are being updated
discountIds - a Set of QualificationDiscountIds that specifies which of the user's associations to update
AssociationCreationException - if a non-existant association was specified but it could not be created
UseCountLimitException - if the use count limit has been reached
InvalidAssociationException - if any of the discounts specified in discountIds are non-global
DiscountNotFoundException - if any of the discounts specified in discountIds can not be found
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


DeleteResults delete(QualificationDiscountId discountId)
                     throws RemoteException,
Delete the associations for the given discount ID.

discountId - the discount id for which the associations should be deleted
a DeleteResults object that describes the associations deleted and those failed to be deleted.
AssociationDeleteException - if any failures were encountered during the delete operation. See the DeleteResults object in the exception for specifics.
See Also


DeleteResults delete(String applicationName,
                     String discountName)
                     throws RemoteException,
Delete the associations for the given discount described by set name and discount name

applicationName - the current J2EE application name
discountName - the name of the discount.
a DeleteResults object that describes the associations deleted and those failed to be deleted.
AssociationDeleteException - if any failures were encountered during the delete operation. See the DeleteResults object in the exception for specifics.
See Also


int prune()
          throws RemoteException
Not currently implemented, throws UnsupportedOperationException if called

UnsupportedOperationException - always
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


int prune(QualificationDiscountId discountId)
          throws RemoteException
Not currently implemented, throws UnsupportedOperationException if called

UnsupportedOperationException - always
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure


int archive()
            throws RemoteException
Not currently implemented, throws UnsupportedOperationException if called

UnsupportedOperationException - always
RemoteException - on a communication error or other system level failure

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