Package com.bea.content.expression

Interface Summary
IFullTextSearch This is an interface that currently does not have any method in its body.
IMetadataQuery Interface to metadata query.
IMetadataQueryParameter The interface for metadata query parameter.
ISearchTranslator Interface for third-party repositories to implement and use as a helper to translate repository-specific search syntax to/from a com.bea.content.expression.Search object.
ITextQuery This interface is used to query the free text within the binary content.
ITextQueryParameter This is the interface for text query parameter Here is an example of how to use it:
PropertyProvider Interface defining a method to return a property value.

Class Summary
AutonomyLanguageParameterSet Represents Autonomy-specific Full Text Search Engine Language Parameters for use during query.
CollectionContainsAny An operator for if a collection contains any element of a collection.
ContainedIn An operator for if an object is contained in a list.
DefaultPropertyProvider A generic implementation of a property provider, that supports user, request, session, and event properties.
ExpressionHelper Helper class to handle dealing with content Expressions.
FullTextQueryFactory Factory class to create IMetadataQuery and ITextQuery
FullTextSearchFactory Factory class to build full text search
FullTextSearchLanguageParameterSet Provides the ability to specify a set of Full-Text Search Engine-specific language parameters, for use during query.
PropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a property.
RequestPropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a request property on the right hand side of a content query expression.
Search This represents parameters for searching Nodes in the repository.
SessionPropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a session property on the right hand side of a content query expression.
SortCriteria A class which handles the sortBy part of a Search.
UserPropertyRef An operator that represents a reference to a user property on the right hand side of a content query expression.

Enum Summary
IMetadataQuery.Multiplicity Multiplicity is used when searching user properties, and is used to restrict the search results to user (objectclass) properties with the specified name and multiplicity.
IMetadataQuery.SystemProperty These are system properties available for full text searching

Exception Summary
ExpressionHelper.ParseException Exception to report an error while parsing a query expression.
InvalidQueryException An exception thrown when an invalid query is given to the content search facility.

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