Class MembershipCapability

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.MembershipCapability
All Implemented Interfaces

public class MembershipCapability
extends Object
implements Serializable

Represents a Capability that has been granted to a CommunityMember with respect to a single CommunityMembership. The set of all MembershipCapabilities is developer defineable via a list of configured capabilities in META-INF/communities-config.xml

For more information see the discussion of membership capabilities or the overview of community functionality.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
MembershipCapability(String canonicalName, String displayName)
MembershipCapability(String canonicalName, String displayName, boolean admin)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
static Collection<MembershipCapability> getAllMembershipCapabilities()
          Gets a collection of all MembershipCapabilities defined in META-INF/communities-config.xml.
 String getCanonicalName()
          Gets the canonical name for this MembershipCapability, which is the default non-display name that is intended for use by framework API calls and developer code, and may not be suitable for display purposes.
static MembershipCapability getCapability(String name)
          Gets a MembershipCapability object corresponding to a capability defined in META-INF/communities-config.xml with the specified name.
static MembershipCapability getCapabilityByDisplayName(String displayName)
          Gets a MembershipCapability object corresponding to a capability defined in META-INF/communities-config.xml with the specified displayName.
 String getDisplayName()
          Gets the display name for this MembershipCapability, which is an alternate name meant for display purposes, and is intended to be more human readable than the canonical name.
 int hashCode()
protected  void init(String canonicalName, String displayName)
 boolean isAdminCapability()
          Getter to determine whether or not this MembershipCapability has been configured via communities-config.xml to map to an admin capability.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MembershipCapability(String canonicalName,
                            String displayName)


public MembershipCapability(String canonicalName,
                            String displayName,
                            boolean admin)
Method Detail


protected void init(String canonicalName,
                    String displayName)


public String getCanonicalName()
Gets the canonical name for this MembershipCapability, which is the default non-display name that is intended for use by framework API calls and developer code, and may not be suitable for display purposes.

canonical name


public String getDisplayName()
Gets the display name for this MembershipCapability, which is an alternate name meant for display purposes, and is intended to be more human readable than the canonical name. This name may be null, equal to the canonical name, or an entirely different String from the canonical name.

display name


public boolean isAdminCapability()
Getter to determine whether or not this MembershipCapability has been configured via communities-config.xml to map to an admin capability.

whether or not this MembershipCapability has been mapped to an admin capability


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public static Collection<MembershipCapability> getAllMembershipCapabilities()
Gets a collection of all MembershipCapabilities defined in META-INF/communities-config.xml.

a collection of all MembershipCapabilities defined.


public static MembershipCapability getCapability(String name)
Gets a MembershipCapability object corresponding to a capability defined in META-INF/communities-config.xml with the specified name. If no such capability exists, this returns null.

name - the name of the defined MembershipCapability
a defined MembershipCapability if it exists, otherwise null


public static MembershipCapability getCapabilityByDisplayName(String displayName)
Gets a MembershipCapability object corresponding to a capability defined in META-INF/communities-config.xml with the specified displayName. If no such capability exists, this returns null. For any defined MembershipCapabilities without a displayName, a match will be returned based on their name instead.

displayName - the name of the defined MembershipCapability
a defined MembershipCapability if it exists, otherwise null

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