Interface InvitationValidationTextGenerator

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public interface InvitationValidationTextGenerator
extends Serializable

Provides a mechanism for allowing for customizable implementations of Communities Invitiation passwords. See SimpleValidationTextGenerator for a default implementation.

For more information see the discussion of invitations or the overview of community functionality.

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to release any resources obtained during init or to perform any necessary cleanup operations.
 String generateValidationText(Invitee invitee)
          Returns a String representation of a password generated based on the input integer id.
 void init(InvitationDetails invitationDetails)
          Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to perform any necessary initialization operations such as obtaining necessary resources such as database connections or loading file contents.

Method Detail


void init(InvitationDetails invitationDetails)
Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to perform any necessary initialization operations such as obtaining necessary resources such as database connections or loading file contents.


String generateValidationText(Invitee invitee)
Returns a String representation of a password generated based on the input integer id. All Invitations in the Communities framework are guaranteed to have unique id's. The framework will call this method after storing Invitee information and will populate Invitee invitation password fields based on the output of this method for consumption by CommunityInviter implementations.

invitee - the invitee information
a password generated from the input invitation id


void destroy()
Allows InvitationValidationTextGenerator implementations the opportunity to release any resources obtained during init or to perform any necessary cleanup operations.

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