Class PortletDefinition

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.definition.PortletDefinition
All Implemented Interfaces
DateableDefinition, PlaceableDefinition, Serializable

public class PortletDefinition
extends Object
implements DateableDefinition, Serializable, PlaceableDefinition

This class represents a persistent portlet.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  PortletInstance portletInstance
static byte READ_ONLY
static byte READ_WRITE
Constructor Summary
  PortletDefinition(LocalizationResource localizationResource, MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId, String contentUri, String backingFile, String definitionLabel, String instanceLabel, boolean forkable, boolean _public, ThemeDefinitionId themeDefinitionId, short titlebarOrientation, boolean defaultMinimized, boolean renderCacheable, int cacheExpires, boolean forkRender, String portletFile, boolean deleted, String helpUri, String editUri, String webAppName)
          Contructor to create a new PortletDefinition object.
  PortletDefinition(LocalizationResource localizationResource, MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId, String contentUri, String backingFile, String definitionLabel, String instanceLabel, boolean forkable, boolean _public, ThemeDefinitionId themeDefinitionId, short titlebarOrientation, boolean defaultMinimized, boolean renderCacheable, int cacheExpires, boolean forkRender, String portletFile, boolean deleted, String helpUri, String editUri, String webAppName, String producerHandle, String portletHandle, byte stateChangeFlag, boolean requiresUrlTemplates, boolean templatesStoredInSession, byte[] portletState, boolean producerOfferedPortlet)
          Overloaded constructor
protected PortletDefinition(MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId, String contentUri, String backingFile, boolean forkable, boolean _public, boolean renderCacheable, int cacheExpires, boolean forkRender, String portletFile, boolean deleted, String helpUri, String editUri, String definitionLabel, String webAppName, PortletInstance portletInstance)
          Overloaded constructor that takes a PortletInstance.
protected PortletDefinition(MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId, String contentUri, String backingFile, boolean forkable, boolean _public, boolean renderCacheable, int cacheExpires, boolean forkRender, String portletFile, boolean deleted, String helpUri, String editUri, String definitionLabel, String webAppName, PortletInstance portletInstance, String producerHandle, String portletHandle, byte stateChangeFlag, boolean requiresUrlTemplates, boolean templatesStoredInSession, byte[] portletState, boolean producerOfferedPortlet)
          Overloaded constructor
Method Summary
 String getBackingFile()
          Returns the name of the backing file for this portlet, if present, null otherwise.
 int getCacheExpires()
          Getter for cache TTL
 String getContentUri()
          Returns the content uri for this portlet.
 Date getCreatedDate()
          Gets the time that this object was created in the database.
 String getDefinitionLabel()
          Returns the definition label for this portlet.
 String getDescription()
          Retrieves this portlet's localized description from its LocalizationResource.
 String getEditUri()
          Getter for the edit content.
 String getHelpUri()
          Getter for the help content.
 String getInstanceLabel()
          Returns the instance label for this portlet.
 LocalizationIntersectionId getLocalizationIntersectionId()
          Returns the LocalizationIntersectionId for this portlet.
 LocalizationResource getLocalizationResource()
          Returns the LocalizationResource associated with this PortletDefinition based on the locale of the request used for retrieving the PortletDefinition.
 MarkupDefinitionId getMarkupDefinitionId()
          Returns the MarkupDefinitionId for the MarkupDefinition associated with this portlet.
 Date getModifiedDate()
          Gets the time that this object was last updated in the database.
 PlaceableDefinitionId getPlaceableDefinitionId()
          Returns the PlaceableDefinitionId associated with this portlet.
 PlacementId getPlacementId()
          Returns the PlacementId for this portlet.
 PortletDefinitionId getPortletDefinitionId()
          Returns the PortletDefinitionId for this portlet.
 String getPortletFile()
          Getter for returning the relative path of the .portlet file representing this portlet.
 String getPortletHandle()
          Returns the portlet handle associated with this portlet if it is a WSRP remote portlet, null otherwise.
 byte[] getPortletState()
          Returns the portlet state for a WSRP remote portlet
 PortletInstanceId getPrimaryInstanceId()
          Deprecated This method is unreliable as it may return an instance id which is NOT the primary instance! Use: IPortletDefinitionManager.getPortletView(customizationContext, portletDefinitionId.getPortletDefinitionId()).getPortletInstanceId()
 String getProducerHandle()
          Returns the producer handle associated with this portlet if it is a WSRP remote portlet, null otherwise.
 byte getStateChangeFlag()
          Returns state change flag associated with this portlet if it is a WSRP remote portlet.
 ThemeDefinitionId getThemeDefinitionId()
          Returns the ThemeDefinitionId of theme associated with this PortletDefinition.
 String getTitle()
          Retrieves this portlet's localized title from its LocalizationResource.
 short getTitlebarOrientation()
          Returns the titlebar orientation for this PortletDefinition
 int getUserPropertiesMode()
          Get the WSRP user properties mode.
 String getWebAppName()
          Returns the name of the J2EE web application this portlet is scoped to.
 boolean isDefaultMinimized()
          Returns if this portlet is minimized by default.
 boolean isDeleted()
          Getter to determined if this portet definition has been deleted.
 boolean isForkable()
          Getter for the boolean indicating if this portlet is forkable.
 boolean isForkRender()
          Getter for property forkRender.
 boolean isProducerOfferedPortlet()
          Returns whether a WSRP remote portlet has not been customized by a WSRP consumer
 boolean isPublic()
          Returns whether this portlet is end-user created.
 boolean isRenderCacheable()
          Getter for property renderCacheable.
 boolean isRequiresUrlTemplates()
          Returns whether a WSRP remote portlet requires url templates
 boolean isTemplatesStoredInSession()
          Returns whether url templates are stored in the HttpSession for a WSRP remote portlet
 void setBackingFile(String backingFile)
          Sets the backing file for this portlet.
 void setCacheExpires(int cacheExpires)
          Setter for the cache TTL.
 void setContentUri(String contentUri)
          Sets the content uri for this portlet.
 void setDefaultMinimized(boolean defaultMinimized)
          Sets whether this portlet is default minimized.
 void setDefinitionLabel(String definitionLabel)
          Sets the definition label for this portlet.
 void setDeleted(boolean deleted)
          Getter to determined if this portet definition has been deleted.
 void setEditUri(String editUri)
          Setter for the edit content.
 void setForkable(boolean forkable)
          setter for the boolean indicating if this portlet is forkable.
 void setForkRender(boolean forkRender)
          Setter for property forkRender.
 void setHelpUri(String helpUri)
          Setter for the help content.
 void setInstanceLabel(String instanceLabel)
          Sets the instance label for this portlet.
 void setLocalizationResource(LocalizationResource localizationResource)
          Sets the LocalizationResource for this portlet.
 void setMarkupDefinitionId(MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId)
          Sets the MarkupDefinitionId for this portlet.
 void setPortletFile(String portletFile)
          Setter for setting the relative path of the .portlet file representing this portlet.
 void setPortletHandle(String portletHandle)
          Sets the portlet handle for this portlet
 void setPortletState(byte[] portletState)
          Sets the portlet state for a WSRP remote portlet
 void setProducerHandle(String producerHandle)
          Sets the producer handle for this portlet
 void setProducerOfferedPortlet(boolean producerOfferedPortlet)
          Sets whether a WSRP remote portlet is customized by a WSRP consumer
 void setPublic(boolean _public)
          Sets whether this portlet is end-user created.
 void setRenderCacheable(boolean renderCacheable)
          Setter for property renderCacheable.
 void setRequiresUrlTemplates(boolean requiresUrlTemplates)
          Sets whether a WSRP remote portlet requires url templates
 void setStateChangeFlag(byte stateChangeFlag)
          Sets state change flag
 void setTemplatesStoredInSession(boolean templatesStoredInSession)
          Sets whether url templates are stored in the HttpSession for a WSRP remote portlet
 void setThemeDefinitionId(ThemeDefinitionId themeDefinitionId)
          Associates a theme with this portlet.
 void setTitlebarOrientation(short titlebarOrientation)
          Sets the titlebar orientation for this portlet
 void setUserPropertiesMode(int mode)
          Set the WSRP user properties mode.
 void setWebAppName(String webAppName)
          Scopes this portlet to specified J2EE web application
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected PortletInstance portletInstance


public static final byte READ_ONLY
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final byte CLONE_BEFORE_WRITE
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final byte READ_WRITE
See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public PortletDefinition(LocalizationResource localizationResource,
                         MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId,
                         String contentUri,
                         String backingFile,
                         String definitionLabel,
                         String instanceLabel,
                         boolean forkable,
                         boolean _public,
                         ThemeDefinitionId themeDefinitionId,
                         short titlebarOrientation,
                         boolean defaultMinimized,
                         boolean renderCacheable,
                         int cacheExpires,
                         boolean forkRender,
                         String portletFile,
                         boolean deleted,
                         String helpUri,
                         String editUri,
                         String webAppName)
Contructor to create a new PortletDefinition object.

localizationResource - localized title and description
markupDefinitionId - reference to a persisted MarkupDefinition that specifies the markup for this portlet
contentUri - uri that represents the content of this portlet
backingFile - name of the backing file for this portlet, if any
definitionLabel - uniquely identifies this portlet in non-persistent mode
instanceLabel - uniquely identifies an instance of this portlet when there exist multiple instances of the same
forkable -
_public - if this portlet was created by an end-user
themeDefinitionId - reference to a persisted ThemeDefinition that is the theme for this portlet
titlebarOrientation - orientation of the titlebar as defined by
defaultMinimized - if this portlet is minimized by default
renderCacheable - if this portlet may be cached in the render cache
cacheExpires -
forkRender -
portletFile - path to the portlet file. This path is relative to the web application context
deleted - if this portlet has been deleted
helpUri - uri to the help mode content for this portlet
editUri - uri to the edit mode content for this portlet
webAppName - name of the J2EE web application this portlet is scoped to


protected PortletDefinition(MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId,
                            String contentUri,
                            String backingFile,
                            boolean forkable,
                            boolean _public,
                            boolean renderCacheable,
                            int cacheExpires,
                            boolean forkRender,
                            String portletFile,
                            boolean deleted,
                            String helpUri,
                            String editUri,
                            String definitionLabel,
                            String webAppName,
                            PortletInstance portletInstance)
Overloaded constructor that takes a PortletInstance.

markupDefinitionId - reference to a persisted MarkupDefinition that specifies the markup for this portlet
contentUri - uri that represents the content of this portlet
backingFile - name of the backing file for this portlet, if any
forkable -
_public - if this portlet was created by an end-user
renderCacheable - if this portlet may be cached in the render cache
cacheExpires -
forkRender -
portletFile - path to the portlet file. This path is relative to the web application context
deleted - if this portlet has been deleted
helpUri - uri to the help mode content for this portlet
editUri - uri to the edit mode content for this portlet
definitionLabel - uniquely identifies this portlet in non-persistent mode
webAppName - name of the J2EE web application this portlet is scoped to
portletInstance -


public PortletDefinition(LocalizationResource localizationResource,
                         MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId,
                         String contentUri,
                         String backingFile,
                         String definitionLabel,
                         String instanceLabel,
                         boolean forkable,
                         boolean _public,
                         ThemeDefinitionId themeDefinitionId,
                         short titlebarOrientation,
                         boolean defaultMinimized,
                         boolean renderCacheable,
                         int cacheExpires,
                         boolean forkRender,
                         String portletFile,
                         boolean deleted,
                         String helpUri,
                         String editUri,
                         String webAppName,
                         String producerHandle,
                         String portletHandle,
                         byte stateChangeFlag,
                         boolean requiresUrlTemplates,
                         boolean templatesStoredInSession,
                         byte[] portletState,
                         boolean producerOfferedPortlet)
Overloaded constructor

localizationResource - localized title and description
markupDefinitionId - reference to a persisted MarkupDefinition that specifies the markup for this portlet
contentUri - uri that represents the content of this portlet
backingFile - name of the backing file for this portlet, if any
definitionLabel - uniquely identifies this portlet in non-persistent mode
instanceLabel - uniquely identifies an instance of this portlet when there exist multiple instances of the same
forkable -
_public - if this portlet was created by an end-user
themeDefinitionId - reference to a persisted ThemeDefinition that is the theme for this portlet
titlebarOrientation - orientation of the titlebar as defined by
defaultMinimized - if this portlet is minimized by default
renderCacheable - if this portlet may be cached in the render cache
cacheExpires -
forkRender -
portletFile - path to the portlet file. This path is relative to the web application context
deleted - if this portlet has been deleted
helpUri - uri to the help mode content for this portlet
editUri - uri to the edit mode content for this portlet
webAppName - name of the J2EE web application this portlet is scoped to
producerHandle - producer handle for the WSRP producer that offers portlet (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
portletHandle - portlet handle of this portlet, (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
stateChangeFlag - state change flag, (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
requiresUrlTemplates - whether this portlet requires url templates (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
templatesStoredInSession - whether the url templates are stored in the HttpSession (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
portletState - the portlet state (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
producerOfferedPortlet - if this remote portlet has not been customized by the WSRP consumer (specific to WSRP remote portlets)


protected PortletDefinition(MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId,
                            String contentUri,
                            String backingFile,
                            boolean forkable,
                            boolean _public,
                            boolean renderCacheable,
                            int cacheExpires,
                            boolean forkRender,
                            String portletFile,
                            boolean deleted,
                            String helpUri,
                            String editUri,
                            String definitionLabel,
                            String webAppName,
                            PortletInstance portletInstance,
                            String producerHandle,
                            String portletHandle,
                            byte stateChangeFlag,
                            boolean requiresUrlTemplates,
                            boolean templatesStoredInSession,
                            byte[] portletState,
                            boolean producerOfferedPortlet)
Overloaded constructor

markupDefinitionId - reference to a persisted MarkupDefinition that specifies the markup for this portlet
contentUri - uri that represents the content of this portlet
backingFile - name of the backing file for this portlet, if any
forkable -
_public - if this portlet was created by an end-user
renderCacheable - if this portlet may be cached in the render cache
cacheExpires -
forkRender -
portletFile - path to the portlet file. This path is relative to the web application context
deleted - if this portlet has been deleted
helpUri - uri to the help mode content for this portlet
editUri - uri to the edit mode content for this portlet
definitionLabel - uniquely identifies this portlet in non-persistent mode
webAppName - name of the J2EE web application this portlet is scoped to
portletInstance -
producerHandle - producer handle for the WSRP producer that offers portlet (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
portletHandle - portlet handle of this portlet, (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
stateChangeFlag - state change flag, (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
requiresUrlTemplates - whether this portlet requires url templates (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
templatesStoredInSession - whether the url templates are stored in the HttpSession (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
portletState - the portlet state (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
producerOfferedPortlet - if this remote portlet has not been customized by the WSRP consumer (specific to WSRP remote portlets)
Method Detail


public PlaceableDefinitionId getPlaceableDefinitionId()
Returns the PlaceableDefinitionId associated with this portlet. Returns null when the PortletDefinition has not been retrieved by using the persistence API.

Specified by:
getPlaceableDefinitionId in interface PlaceableDefinition
PlaceableDefinitionId associated with this portlet
See Also


public PortletDefinitionId getPortletDefinitionId()
Returns the PortletDefinitionId for this portlet. Returns null when the PortletDefinition has not been retrieved by using the persistence API.

PortletDefinitionId for this portlet


public PlacementId getPlacementId()
Returns the PlacementId for this portlet. May be null if this portlet is not placed or if it has not been retrieved using the persistence API.

PlacementId for this portlet


public MarkupDefinitionId getMarkupDefinitionId()
Returns the MarkupDefinitionId for the MarkupDefinition associated with this portlet.

See Also


public void setMarkupDefinitionId(MarkupDefinitionId markupDefinitionId)
Sets the MarkupDefinitionId for this portlet.

markupDefinitionId -


public String getContentUri()
Returns the content uri for this portlet.

content uri


public void setContentUri(String contentUri)
Sets the content uri for this portlet.

contentUri -


public String getBackingFile()
Returns the name of the backing file for this portlet, if present, null otherwise.

backing file or null


public void setBackingFile(String backingFile)
Sets the backing file for this portlet.

backingFile -


public String getDefinitionLabel()
Returns the definition label for this portlet.

Specified by:
getDefinitionLabel in interface PlaceableDefinition
definition label


public void setDefinitionLabel(String definitionLabel)
Sets the definition label for this portlet.

definitionLabel -


public boolean isPublic()
Returns whether this portlet is end-user created.

true if this portlet is end-user created.


public void setPublic(boolean _public)
Sets whether this portlet is end-user created.

_public -


public LocalizationResource getLocalizationResource()
Returns the LocalizationResource associated with this PortletDefinition based on the locale of the request used for retrieving the PortletDefinition.

Specified by:
getLocalizationResource in interface PlaceableDefinition
LocalizationResource associated with this portlet


public void setLocalizationResource(LocalizationResource localizationResource)
Sets the LocalizationResource for this portlet.

localizationResource -


public LocalizationIntersectionId getLocalizationIntersectionId()
Returns the LocalizationIntersectionId for this portlet. Returns null if no LocalizationResource is associated with this portlet. A LocalizationIntersectionId is a reference to all localized versions of title and description for an entity.

LocalizationIntersectionId for this portlet


public ThemeDefinitionId getThemeDefinitionId()
Returns the ThemeDefinitionId of theme associated with this PortletDefinition.



public void setThemeDefinitionId(ThemeDefinitionId themeDefinitionId)
Associates a theme with this portlet.

themeDefinitionId - of theme associated with this portlet


public short getTitlebarOrientation()
Returns the titlebar orientation for this PortletDefinition

menu orientation


public void setTitlebarOrientation(short titlebarOrientation)
Sets the titlebar orientation for this portlet

titlebarOrientation -


public boolean isDefaultMinimized()
Returns if this portlet is minimized by default.

true if this portlet is minimized by default


public void setDefaultMinimized(boolean defaultMinimized)
Sets whether this portlet is default minimized.

defaultMinimized - true to set the portlet to minimized by default


public PortletInstanceId getPrimaryInstanceId()
Deprecated This method is unreliable as it may return an instance id which is NOT the primary instance! Use: IPortletDefinitionManager.getPortletView(customizationContext, portletDefinitionId.getPortletDefinitionId()).getPortletInstanceId()

Returns the primary instance id of the portlet. Returns null if this portlet has not been retrieved using the persistence API.

See Also
getPortletDefinitionId(), IPortletDefinitionManager.getPortletView(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, PortletDefinitionId), PortletView.getPortletInstanceId()


public String getInstanceLabel()
Returns the instance label for this portlet. Returns null if this portlet has not been retrieved using the persistence API.

instance label


public void setInstanceLabel(String instanceLabel)
Sets the instance label for this portlet.

instanceLabel -


public String getTitle()
Retrieves this portlet's localized title from its LocalizationResource.

Specified by:
getTitle in interface PlaceableDefinition
localized title for this portlet


public String getDescription()
Retrieves this portlet's localized description from its LocalizationResource.

Specified by:
getDescription in interface PlaceableDefinition
localized description for this portlet


public boolean isRenderCacheable()
Getter for property renderCacheable.

a boolean indicating if the portlet is cacheable.


public void setRenderCacheable(boolean renderCacheable)
Setter for property renderCacheable. This property is set by the developer in the .portlet file. It is used to indicate that the portlet can be cached by the system administrator.

renderCacheable - true if the portlet can be cached.


public int getCacheExpires()
Getter for cache TTL

Number of seconbds before cache expires.


public void setCacheExpires(int cacheExpires)
Setter for the cache TTL. -1 indacates not to cache./

cacheExpires - number of seconds before the cache expires.


public boolean isForkRender()
Getter for property forkRender.

true if this portlet will be multi threaded.


public void setForkRender(boolean forkRender)
Setter for property forkRender.

forkRender - true mean we will fork (multithred) the renderer.


public boolean isForkable()
Getter for the boolean indicating if this portlet is forkable. This value is set by the developer in the .protlet file to indicate if the portlet can be set multithreaded by the system administrator.

true if this portlet can be forked


public void setForkable(boolean forkable)
setter for the boolean indicating if this portlet is forkable. This value is set by the developer in the .protlet file to indicate if the portlet can be set multithreaded by the system administrator.

forkable - true if this portlet can be forked.


public String getPortletFile()
Getter for returning the relative path of the .portlet file representing this portlet. Note: not all portlet have .portlet files (portlets created via the API instead of the IDE)

the relative path name of the .portlet file.


public void setPortletFile(String portletFile)
Setter for setting the relative path of the .portlet file representing this portlet. Note: not all portlets have .portlet files (portlets created via the API instead of the IDE)

portletFile - the relative path name of the .portlet file.


public boolean isDeleted()

Getter to determined if this portet definition has been deleted. This is set by the system if the .portlet file has been removed from the file system. Because the consequences of deleting the portletDefinition and all its instances would be a costly and perminent, we just mark the portlet definition as being deleted and then the admin can permanently delete it via his admin tools.

tru if the portlet has been marked deleted.


public void setDeleted(boolean deleted)
Getter to determined if this portet definition has been deleted. This is set by the system if the .portlet file has been removed from the file system. Because the consequences of deleting the portletDefinition and all its instances would be a costly and perminent, we just mark the portlet definition as being deleted and then the admin can permanently delete it via his admin tools.

deleted - true if the portlet has been marked deleted.


public String getHelpUri()

Getter for the help content. The Help uri is the uri to the JSP or HTML page to be displayed when the portlet is in help mode.

A uri or null if none exist.


public void setHelpUri(String helpUri)

Setter for the help content. The Help uri is the uri to the JSP or HTML page to be displayed when the portlet is in help mode.

helpUri - a relative path to the JSP or html page.


public String getEditUri()

Getter for the edit content. The Edit uri is the uri to the JSP or HTML page to be displayed when the portlet is in edit mode.

A uri or null if none exist.


public void setEditUri(String editUri)

Setter for the edit content. The Edit uri is the uri to the JSP or HTML page to be displayed when the portlet is in edit mode.

editUri - a relative path to the JSP or html page.


public String getWebAppName()
Returns the name of the J2EE web application this portlet is scoped to.

Specified by:
getWebAppName in interface PlaceableDefinition
name of web application


public void setWebAppName(String webAppName)
Scopes this portlet to specified J2EE web application

webAppName - name of the web application to scope this portlet to


public String getProducerHandle()
Returns the producer handle associated with this portlet if it is a WSRP remote portlet, null otherwise.

producer handle


public void setProducerHandle(String producerHandle)
Sets the producer handle for this portlet

producerHandle -


public String getPortletHandle()
Returns the portlet handle associated with this portlet if it is a WSRP remote portlet, null otherwise.

portlet handle


public void setPortletHandle(String portletHandle)
Sets the portlet handle for this portlet

portletHandle -


public byte getStateChangeFlag()
Returns state change flag associated with this portlet if it is a WSRP remote portlet.

state change flag


public void setStateChangeFlag(byte stateChangeFlag)
Sets state change flag

stateChangeFlag -


public boolean isRequiresUrlTemplates()
Returns whether a WSRP remote portlet requires url templates

true if portlet requires url templates


public void setRequiresUrlTemplates(boolean requiresUrlTemplates)
Sets whether a WSRP remote portlet requires url templates

requiresUrlTemplates -


public boolean isTemplatesStoredInSession()
Returns whether url templates are stored in the HttpSession for a WSRP remote portlet

true if url templates are stored in the HttpSession


public void setTemplatesStoredInSession(boolean templatesStoredInSession)
Sets whether url templates are stored in the HttpSession for a WSRP remote portlet

templatesStoredInSession -


public byte[] getPortletState()
Returns the portlet state for a WSRP remote portlet

portlet state


public void setPortletState(byte[] portletState)
Sets the portlet state for a WSRP remote portlet

portletState -


public boolean isProducerOfferedPortlet()
Returns whether a WSRP remote portlet has not been customized by a WSRP consumer

true if a WSRP remote portlet has not been customized by a WSRP consumer


public void setProducerOfferedPortlet(boolean producerOfferedPortlet)
Sets whether a WSRP remote portlet is customized by a WSRP consumer

producerOfferedPortlet -


public int getUserPropertiesMode()
Get the WSRP user properties mode.


public void setUserPropertiesMode(int mode)
Set the WSRP user properties mode.


public Date getCreatedDate()
Gets the time that this object was created in the database.

Specified by:
getCreatedDate in interface DateableDefinition


public Date getModifiedDate()
Gets the time that this object was last updated in the database.

Specified by:
getModifiedDate in interface DateableDefinition


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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