Class CommunityURI

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.CommunityURI
All Implemented Interfaces

public class CommunityURI
extends Object
implements Serializable

The CommunityURI is a convenience object for combining the webapp name, portal path, and desktop path which together uniquely identify a community. This is the most portable way to refer to a specific community (as opposed to a CommunityDefinitionId). A CommunityURI can be converted to a single String for easier storage or use as a URL parameter and can be reconstituted from the String.

Note that if the context-root for a webapp is "/", the webapp name will be "/" and this will result in a CommunityURI beginning with two slashes. As long as this CommunityURI class is used to encode and decode CommunityURI values from strings, this is not a problem and is handled correctly. However, a URI beginning with two slashes is technically not a valid URI by the definition of a URI.

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
CommunityURI(String webAppName, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Construct a new CommunityURI.
CommunityURI(String webAppName, String portalPath, String desktopPath)
          Construct a new CommunityURI.
Method Summary
static CommunityURI createCommunityURI(DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId)
          Creates a CommunityURI from the specified DesktopDefinitionId.
static CommunityURI createCommunityURI(String uri)
          Creates a CommunityURI object from the specified String, which has the format webAppName/portalPath/desktopPath and is of the same format as the String returned by CommunityURI.toString().
 boolean equals(Object o)
 String getDesktopPath()
          Returns the desktop path portion of this CommunityURI.
 String getPortalPath()
          Returns the portal path portion of this CommunityURI.
 String getWebAppName()
          Returns the webapp name portion of this CommunityURI.
 int hashCode()
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of this CommunityURI object suitable for use with the CommunityURI.createCommunityUri() method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CommunityURI(String webAppName,
                    String portalPath,
                    String desktopPath)
Construct a new CommunityURI.

webAppName - the name of the webapp where the community will reside.
portalPath - the part of the url that identifies this community's portal.
desktopPath - the part of the url that identifies this community's desktop.


public CommunityURI(String webAppName,
                    PortalPath portalPath,
                    DesktopPath desktopPath)
Construct a new CommunityURI.

webAppName - the name of the webapp where the community will reside.
portalPath - the part of the url that identifies this community's portal.
desktopPath - the part of the url that identifies this community's desktop.
Method Detail


public static CommunityURI createCommunityURI(String uri)
Creates a CommunityURI object from the specified String, which has the format webAppName/portalPath/desktopPath and is of the same format as the String returned by CommunityURI.toString(). It is always safest to use this method only with a String returned by CommunityURI.toString(). This method exists to provide a convenient mechanism for passing a CommunityURI as a URL parameter or storing it in a database.

uri - the String to create a new CommunityURI from.
a new CommunityURI created from the provided String.
IllegalArgumentException - if the uri parameter is not appropriately formatted.


public static CommunityURI createCommunityURI(DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId)
Creates a CommunityURI from the specified DesktopDefinitionId.

desktopDefinitionId - the DesktopDefinitionId to create the CommunityURI from.
the CommunityURI appropriate for the specified DesktopDefinitionId


public String getWebAppName()
Returns the webapp name portion of this CommunityURI.

the webapp name portion of this CommunityURI.


public String getPortalPath()
Returns the portal path portion of this CommunityURI.

the portal path portion of this CommunityURI


public String getDesktopPath()
Returns the desktop path portion of this CommunityURI.

the desktop path portion of this CommunityURI.


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object
o - a DesktopDefinitionId object to compare to this DesktopDefinitionId.
true if this DesktopDefinitionId is the same as the DesktopDefinitionId object passed in; false otherwise.


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object
a hash code value for this object.


public String toString()
Returns a String representation of this CommunityURI object suitable for use with the CommunityURI.createCommunityUri() method.

toString in class Object

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