Class NotificationPayloadInfo

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.notifications.NotificationPayloadInfo
All Implemented Interfaces

public class NotificationPayloadInfo
extends Object
implements Serializable

Used to contain information needed to construct a NotificationPayload object.

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 Date expirationDate
          The date after which the notification is considered expired and will no longer be delivered.
          The maximum length for a payload.
 String name
          The name for the notification- cannot be null.
 String namespace
          The namespace for the notification- cannot be null.
 String payload
          The actual payload for the notification.
 boolean selfDestruct
          Flag indicating whether notifications should self-destruct.
 String sourceDesktopInstanceTitle
          The desktop instance title for the source of the notification.
 DesktopPath sourceDesktopPath
          The desktop path for the source of the notification.
 PortalPath sourcePortalPath
          The portal path for the source of the notification.
 String sourcePortletDefinitionLabel
          The portlet definition label for the source of the notification.
 String sourcePortletInstanceLabel
          The portlet instance label for the source of the notification.
 String sourceWebAppName
          The webapp name for the source of the notification- cannot be null.
 String targetWebAppName
          The target webapp for the notification.
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 String toString()
 void validate()
          Used to validate that all instance variables have acceptable values.
 void validate(boolean checkExpiration)
          Used to validate that instance variables have acceptable values.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH
The maximum length for a payload. This is dictated by the database table.

See Also
Constants Summary


public String namespace
The namespace for the notification- cannot be null.


public String name
The name for the notification- cannot be null.


public String payload
The actual payload for the notification. May be null.


public String targetWebAppName
The target webapp for the notification. If null, the notification is assumed to be globally scoped (delivered to all webapps).


public String sourceWebAppName
The webapp name for the source of the notification- cannot be null.


public PortalPath sourcePortalPath
The portal path for the source of the notification. May be null.


public DesktopPath sourceDesktopPath
The desktop path for the source of the notification. May be null.


public String sourceDesktopInstanceTitle
The desktop instance title for the source of the notification. May be null.


public String sourcePortletDefinitionLabel
The portlet definition label for the source of the notification. May be null.


public String sourcePortletInstanceLabel
The portlet instance label for the source of the notification. May be null.


public boolean selfDestruct
Flag indicating whether notifications should self-destruct. If true, the notification will be removed from the database automatically as it is consumed or when it expires. If false, the notification will be marked as consumed or expired in the database but not removed ever by the framework. Default value is true and this is highly recommended.


public Date expirationDate
The date after which the notification is considered expired and will no longer be delivered. If the notification self-destruct flag is true, the notification will be automatically removed from the database when it expires. This value cannot be null or prior to the current time.

Constructor Detail


public NotificationPayloadInfo()
Default constructor. All values must be set using public instance variables.

Method Detail


public void validate()
              throws IllegalArgumentException
Used to validate that all instance variables have acceptable values. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if any of the instance variables do not have acceptable values.

IllegalArgumentException - if any of the instance variables do not have acceptable values.


public void validate(boolean checkExpiration)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
Used to validate that instance variables have acceptable values. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if any of the instance variables do not have acceptable values.

checkExpiration - if false, the expirationDate is not checked to see if it is before the current time.
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the instance variables do not have acceptable values.


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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