Class Model

  extended by com.bea.p13n.model.Model
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CampaignModel.ScenarioLink, ScenarioModel.RuleSetLink, XmlObjectModel

public abstract class Model
extends Object
implements Cloneable, Serializable

The base model class for all wlp-schema based model. Models are specifically not thread-safe.

See Also
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class Model.ChangeEvent
          A model change event.
static interface Model.ChangeListener
          The interface to listen to a model's change events.
static class Model.ChangeSupport
          Helper class for managing ChangeListeners.
static class Model.Debug
          Debug class.
Field Summary
protected  List<Model> childrenModels
          Our children models.
protected  DocumentModel docModel
          Our DocumentModel.
protected  Model parentModel
          Our parent model.
protected  List<Model> roChildrenModels
          A read-only list of our children models.
Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor.
Model(DocumentModel docModel)
          Constructor with a container document model.
Method Summary
 void addChangeListener(Model.ChangeListener cl)
          Add a change listener to this model instance.
protected  void addChild(Model child)
          Add a child to this model.
protected  void addChild(Model child, int pos)
          Add a child to this model.
protected  boolean childAdded(Model child)
          Handle the post-processing of a child being added.
protected  boolean childRemoved(Model child)
          Handle the post-processing of a child being removed.
 Object clone()
          Make clone of this object initialize with the same data, but unassociated to the original.
abstract  Model copy()
          Make a new Model of the same type as this, initialized with the same underlying data, but otherwise unassociated to this one.
static boolean doubleEquals(Number o1, Number o2)
          A null-aware equals() method against doubleValue().
static boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2)
          A null-aware equals() method.
 List<Model> getChildren()
          Get a read-only list of our children models.
static Model.Debug getDebug(Class cl)
          Get the Debug object for the specified class.
static Model.Debug getDebug(String name)
          Get the Debug object for the specified name.
 DocumentModel getDocument()
          Get our DocumentModel (null if none set).
 Model getParent()
          Get our parent model, null if this is a root or was removed from its parent.
static boolean longEquals(Number o1, Number o2)
          A null-aware equals() method against longValue().
 void preRemove()
          Called just prior to this model being removed from its parent.
protected  boolean propertyChanged(String propName, Object oldVal, Object newVal)
          Handle the post-processing of a property change.
 boolean removeChangeListener(Model.ChangeListener cl)
          Remove a change listener from this model instance.
protected  Model removeChild(int index)
          Remove a child from this model by index.
protected  boolean removeChild(Model child)
          Remove a child from this model.
static String[] removeEmpties(String[] strs)
          Remove null or empty strings from the array.
 void setDocument(DocumentModel docModel)
          Set our DocumentModel (null for none).
protected  void setParent(Model parent)
          Set our parent model (null if this is a root or was removed from its parent).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected DocumentModel docModel
Our DocumentModel.


protected List<Model> childrenModels
Our children models. This will be null until a child is added.


protected transient List<Model> roChildrenModels
A read-only list of our children models. This will be null until the children are asked for.


protected Model parentModel
Our parent model.

Constructor Detail


public Model(DocumentModel docModel)
Constructor with a container document model.


public Model()
Empty constructor.

Method Detail


public Object clone()
Make clone of this object initialize with the same data, but unassociated to the original.

clone in class Object


public abstract Model copy()
Make a new Model of the same type as this, initialized with the same underlying data, but otherwise unassociated to this one. Listeners will not be propogated to copies.


public DocumentModel getDocument()
Get our DocumentModel (null if none set).


public void setDocument(DocumentModel docModel)
Set our DocumentModel (null for none). This will set the DocumentModel on our children as well (which will set it for entire tree underneath us).


public Model getParent()
Get our parent model, null if this is a root or was removed from its parent.


protected void setParent(Model parent)
Set our parent model (null if this is a root or was removed from its parent).


public void preRemove()
Called just prior to this model being removed from its parent.

setParent(null) will be called after the model has been removed. Subclasses can override this to help deal with being removed from their parent.

Models that have children should call this method prior to unhooking any underlying datastore; this will allow the child model to know they are being removed and to prepare themselves appropriately.


public List<Model> getChildren()
Get a read-only list of our children models. This will always return a non null List.


protected void addChild(Model child,
                        int pos)
Add a child to this model. This will not fire any change events; it's designed to be used by subclasses.

child - the child model to add.
pos - the position to add child at, -1 for the end.


protected void addChild(Model child)
Add a child to this model. This will not fire an change events; it's designed to be used by subclasses. This will add the child to the end of the list of children.

child - the child model to add.


protected boolean removeChild(Model child)
Remove a child from this model. This will not fire an change events; it's designed to be used by subclasses.

child - the child model to remove.
true if the child was removed, false if not found.


protected Model removeChild(int index)
Remove a child from this model by index. This will not fire an change events; it's designed to be used by subclasses.

index - the child model to remove.
the child which was removed.


public void addChangeListener(Model.ChangeListener cl)
Add a change listener to this model instance. The listener will only receive change events from this instance. The source of the events will be this model instance.


public boolean removeChangeListener(Model.ChangeListener cl)
Remove a change listener from this model instance.

true if removed, false if not found.


protected boolean propertyChanged(String propName,
                                  Object oldVal,
                                  Object newVal)
Handle the post-processing of a property change. This will fire a ChangeEvent from us, and then call modelPropertyChanged() on our DocumentModel (if set).

propName - the property name.
oldVal - the previous value (null is valid).
newVal - the new value (null is valid).
true if we handled this changed, false if it was ignored.


protected boolean childAdded(Model child)
Handle the post-processing of a child being added. This will fire a ChangeEvent from us, and then call modelChildAdded() on our DocumentModel (if set).

child - the child that was added.
true if we handled this changed, false if it was ignored.


protected boolean childRemoved(Model child)
Handle the post-processing of a child being removed. This will fire a ChangeEvent from us, and then call modelChildRemoved() on our DocumentModel (if set).

child - the child that was removed.
true if we handled this changed, false if it was ignored.


public static boolean equals(Object o1,
                             Object o2)
A null-aware equals() method.


public static boolean longEquals(Number o1,
                                 Number o2)
A null-aware equals() method against longValue(). Number subclass' equals() methods are often Class-aware, so this will compare the longValue()s of each


public static boolean doubleEquals(Number o1,
                                   Number o2)
A null-aware equals() method against doubleValue(). Number subclass' equals() methods are often Class-aware, so this will compare the doubleValue()s of each


public static String[] removeEmpties(String[] strs)
Remove null or empty strings from the array.

the same array if no change, a new array, or null if none left.


public static Model.Debug getDebug(Class cl)
Get the Debug object for the specified class.

See Also


public static Model.Debug getDebug(String name)
Get the Debug object for the specified name. This works the same as Debug, except it doesn't obey the out.file and reloadable flags. So, output always go to System.err and this won't reload if it changes.

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