Package com.bea.p13n.rules.advislets

This package contains an implementation of an Advislet that uses the RulesManager to provide rules-based advice.


Class Summary
ResultsToRulesInputTransform An AdviceTransform that converts the results in one Advice instance into rule inputs in the AdviceRequest.
RuleResultClassFilter Deprecated moved to com.bea.p13n.rules.manager.RuleResultClassFilter
RulesAdvisletImpl This class is the implementation class for a generic Advislet that handles rules based advice.
RulesInputTransform An AdviceTransform that converts AdviceRequest parameters into the input objects for the Rules Advislet.

Package com.bea.p13n.rules.advislets Description

This package contains an implementation of an Advislet that uses the RulesManager to provide rules-based advice.

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