Package com.bea.p13n.usermgmt

Interface Summary
GroupManager Deprecated See method level Javadoc and
GroupManagerHome Deprecated Use
UserManager Deprecated See method level Javadoc and
UserManagerConstants Deprecated no longer needed since 8.1
UserManagerHome Deprecated Use

Class Summary

Exception Summary
AuthenticationException Application exception class that will be thrown when a given username and password are not valid.
GroupAlreadyExistsException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a group that already exists.
InvalidGroupnameException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a group with an invalid name
InvalidPasswordException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a user with an invalid password.
InvalidUsernameException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a user with an invalid username
UserAlreadyExistsException Application exception class that will be thrown when an attempt is made to create a user that already exists.
UserManagementException System exception class that will be thrown when a low-level error occurs in the user management system.

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