Interface DelegationServiceControl

public interface DelegationServiceControl

Method Summary
 boolean canDelegate(String roleTaxonomy, ResourceContext context)
          Determines if the DA role can delegate further and manage or not.
 boolean getParentInheritanceFlag(ResourceContext context)
          Method used to determine if a role has implicitly granted the capabilities of a sub-role to its parent role
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<String> getResourceIdsOnRoot(String root, int pageSize, ResourceContext context)
          Returns all the resourceIds that the currently logged in user tests true for that contain the following root String.
 boolean isAccessAllowed(String webApp, String resourceId, String capability, ResourceContext context)
          Runtime method used to determine if the currently logged in user will be allowed access to the particular resource.
 void setParentInheritanceFlag(boolean flag, ResourceContext context)
          Method used to set whether a role has implicitly granted the capabilities of a sub-role to its parent role

Method Detail


boolean isAccessAllowed(String webApp,
                        String resourceId,
                        String capability,
                        ResourceContext context)
Runtime method used to determine if the currently logged in user will be allowed access to the particular resource.

webApp - Webapp of resource
resourceId - The resource in question.
capability - The capability granted for this resource.
context - The resource context
true for grant and false for deny.


boolean getParentInheritanceFlag(ResourceContext context)
Method used to determine if a role has implicitly granted the capabilities of a sub-role to its parent role

context - The resource context
true if set and false if not.


void setParentInheritanceFlag(boolean flag,
                              ResourceContext context)
Method used to set whether a role has implicitly granted the capabilities of a sub-role to its parent role

flag - The boolean value to set.
context - The resource context


SortableFilterablePagedResult<String> getResourceIdsOnRoot(String root,
                                                           int pageSize,
                                                           ResourceContext context)
                                                           throws com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.PolicyRefException
Returns all the resourceIds that the currently logged in user tests true for that contain the following root String.

root - The root string to start from.
pageSize - the number of results to return per page of the returned PagedResult.
context - The resource context
an ArrayList


boolean canDelegate(String roleTaxonomy,
                    ResourceContext context)
Determines if the DA role can delegate further and manage or not. If this privilege is GRANTed, the user can create and manage delegatees

roleTaxonomy - Taxonomy of the role (with the complete lineage)
context - The resource context
true if capability is GRANTed, false otherwise

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