Interface RestResult

All Known Implementing Classes:
ErrorResult, ForwardResult, GenericRestResult

public interface RestResult

Interface for any data that is returned from a RestCommand. This interface allows access to the status of the returned command, the contentType of the returned data, the Object bean that composes the returned data, and a method to get a String representation of the response, formatted in a specified FormatType.

Nested Class Summary
static class RestResult.FormatType
          An enumeration of the supported FormatTypes known by the REST framework.
Method Summary
 String getCharacterEncoding()
          Get character encoding
 String getContentType(RestResult.FormatType formatType)
          Gets the content type of your response, which can be used to set the content type of the response from the RestServlet.
 String getMessage()
          Gets text detail for this RestResult
 String getResponse(RestResult.FormatType formatType)
          Return the response in the specified format.
 Object getResponseBean()
          Gets this RestResult as a JavaBean Object.
 int getStatus()
          Gets the overall status of the RestResult.
 boolean isError()
          Returns whether or not the result is an error type result, which the RestServlet handles differently, setting the HTTP response code to the error status code and setting the error message rather than writing into the response

Method Detail


String getResponse(RestResult.FormatType formatType)
Return the response in the specified format.

formatType - the desired FormatType to encode the result as
the formatted version of this RestResult


Object getResponseBean()
Gets this RestResult as a JavaBean Object.

the JavaBean object that composes this result


String getContentType(RestResult.FormatType formatType)
Gets the content type of your response, which can be used to set the content type of the response from the RestServlet.

formatType - the desired FormatType for the response.
the content type String


int getStatus()
Gets the overall status of the RestResult.

the status code for the RestResult.


String getMessage()
Gets text detail for this RestResult

the message detail for this RestResult


boolean isError()
Returns whether or not the result is an error type result, which the RestServlet handles differently, setting the HTTP response code to the error status code and setting the error message rather than writing into the response

whether or not this RestResult is an error result.


String getCharacterEncoding()
Get character encoding

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