Interface IBlockingInteractionInterceptor

public interface IBlockingInteractionInterceptor

Implementations of this interface can be used to intercept "performBlockingInteraction" WSRP operations on the consumer side. To register an implementation of this interface as an interceptor, it must be specified in the WEB-INF/wsrp-consumer-handler-config.xml file. Look in e-Docs for WSRP interceptor for further documentation on configuring interceptors in wsrp-consumer-handler-config.xml.

Method Summary
 Status.OnFault onFault(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext, IBlockingInteractionResponseContext responseContext, Throwable t)
          Invoked when a SOAP fault is received in the response.
 Status.OnIOFailure onIOFailure(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext, IBlockingInteractionResponseContext responseContext, Throwable t)
          Invoked when there is exception while sending the request or receiving the response.
 Status.PostInvoke postInvoke(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext, IBlockingInteractionResponseContext responseContext)
          Invoked after receiving the response from the Producer.
 Status.PreInvoke preInvoke(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext)
          Invoked before constructing a SOAP message and sending it to the Producer.

Method Detail


Status.PreInvoke preInvoke(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext)
Invoked before constructing a SOAP message and sending it to the Producer.

requestContext - a request context object that represents input data for the "performBlockingInteraction" operation.
by default the implementation should return Status.PreInvoke.CONTINUE_CHAIN.


Status.PostInvoke postInvoke(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext,
                             IBlockingInteractionResponseContext responseContext)
Invoked after receiving the response from the Producer.

requestContext - a request context object that represents input data for the "performBlockingInteraction" operation.
responseContext - a response context object that represents output data from the "performBlockingInteraction" operation. The response context will be empty if the preInvoke method had returned Status.PreInvoke.SKIP_REQUEST_ABORT_CHAIN.
by default the implementation should return Status.PostInvoke.CONTINUE_CHAIN.


Status.OnFault onFault(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext,
                       IBlockingInteractionResponseContext responseContext,
                       Throwable t)
Invoked when a SOAP fault is received in the response. The interceptor can handle the fault, or retry the request.

requestContext - a request context object that represents input data for the "performBlockingInteraction" operation.
responseContext - an empty response context, so that an implementation can populate it and return Status.OnFault.HANDLED.
t - an exception that represents a fault.
by default the implementation should return Status.OnFault.CONTINUE_CHAIN.


Status.OnIOFailure onIOFailure(IBlockingInteractionRequestContext requestContext,
                               IBlockingInteractionResponseContext responseContext,
                               Throwable t)
Invoked when there is exception while sending the request or receiving the response. The interceptor can handle the exception, or retry the request.

requestContext - a request context object that represents input data for the "performBlockingInteraction" operation.
responseContext - an empty response context, so that an implementation can populate it and return Status.OnIOFailure.HANDLED.
t - an exception that represents an IO failure.
by default the implementation should return Status.OnIOFailure.CONTINUE_CHAIN.

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