Interface IGetMarkupBaseResponseContext

All Superinterfaces
IBaseResponseContext, ISessionContext
All Known Subinterfaces:
IBlockingInteractionBaseResponseContext, IBlockingInteractionResponseContext, IGetMarkupResponseContext, IGetResourceResponseContext

public interface IGetMarkupBaseResponseContext
extends IBaseResponseContext, ISessionContext

A base response context that represents partial output data of the "getMarkup" operation.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 int getExpires()
          Returns the number of seconds the markup referenced by this context object remains valid.
 String getLocale()
          Returns the locale of the returned markup.
 String getMarkupCharacterSet()
          Returns the character set used to encode the markup.
 InputStream getMarkupData()
          Returns an InputStream to read the returned markup.
 String getMimeType()
          Returns the Mime type of the returned markup.
 String getPreferredTitle()
          Returns the title preferred by the portlet.
 String getUserScope()
          Returns a string indicating when the markup may be used by various users.
 String getValidateTag()
          Returns a string (unique id on a Producer) that a Consumer can use it to revalidate markup once the expires duration elapses.
 boolean isRequiresUrlRewritingOn()
          Returns "true" if a Producer/Portlet indicated that the Consumer-side URL rewriting is required.
 boolean isUseCachedMarkupOn()
          Returns true if the markup the Consumer indicated it has cached is still valid.
 void setMarkupCharacterSet(String encoding)
          Sets the supplied encoding as the encoding used for the encapsulated markup.
 void setMarkupData(InputStream markupData)
          Sets the supplied markupData as the new returned markup.
 void setMimeType(String mimeType)
          Sets the supplied string as the Mime type of the returned markup.
 void setPreferredTitle(String title)
          Sets the supplied title as the portlet's preferred title.
 void setRequiresUrlRewritingOn(boolean value)
          Sets the supplied value to indicate whether Consumer-side URL rewriting is required or not.
 void setUseCachedMarkupOn(boolean value)
          Sets the supplied value that indicates to the Consumer that the cached markup is valid or not.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.IBaseResponseContext
getMimeHeaders, getNamespaceUri, getResponseCookies, render
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.wsrp.model.markup.ISessionContext
getSessionExpires, getSessionID, setSessionExpires, setSessionID

Method Detail


boolean isUseCachedMarkupOn()
Returns true if the markup the Consumer indicated it has cached is still valid.

true if the Consumer cached markup is still valid.


void setUseCachedMarkupOn(boolean value)
Sets the supplied value that indicates to the Consumer that the cached markup is valid or not.

value - a boolean value.


String getMimeType()
Returns the Mime type of the returned markup.

a string representing a Mime type.


void setMimeType(String mimeType)
Sets the supplied string as the Mime type of the returned markup.

mimeType - a new Mime type.


InputStream getMarkupData()
                          throws IOException
Returns an InputStream to read the returned markup. Note: If an interceptor reads the returned markup, there is no way to reset the input stream so that WLP remote portlet can read the markup and render. The correct way to read is to read the returned markup into a ByteArrayOutputStream and set the markup data by creating a new ByteArrayInputStream with the bytes from the output strea, and set the markup data by calling setMarkupData.

An input stream to the returned markup.
IOException - if unable to create an input stream.


void setMarkupData(InputStream markupData)
Sets the supplied markupData as the new returned markup.

markupData - a new input stream to read the markup.


String getMarkupCharacterSet()
Returns the character set used to encode the markup. If not found in the SOAP response message, the character encoding of the current http response of Consumer is returned.

A character set name.


void setMarkupCharacterSet(String encoding)
Sets the supplied encoding as the encoding used for the encapsulated markup.

encoding - a character set name.


String getLocale()
Returns the locale of the returned markup.

locale of the returned markup.


boolean isRequiresUrlRewritingOn()
Returns "true" if a Producer/Portlet indicated that the Consumer-side URL rewriting is required.

true if Consumer-side URL rewriting is required.


void setRequiresUrlRewritingOn(boolean value)
Sets the supplied value to indicate whether Consumer-side URL rewriting is required or not.

value - a boolean value to indicate Consumer-side URL rewriting is required or not.


int getExpires()
Returns the number of seconds the markup referenced by this context object remains valid. -1 indicates markup will never expire. Note: The expires is a member of the cache control type.

number of seconds.


String getUserScope()
Returns a string indicating when the markup may be used by various users. Note: userScope is a member of the cache control type.

a string indicating user scope of the markup.


String getValidateTag()
Returns a string (unique id on a Producer) that a Consumer can use it to revalidate markup once the expires duration elapses. Note: useScope is a member of the cache control type.

A unique string for revalidating a Portlet's markup.


String getPreferredTitle()
Returns the title preferred by the portlet.

the portlet preferred title.


void setPreferredTitle(String title)
Sets the supplied title as the portlet's preferred title.

title - The portlet's preferred title.

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