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About the Oracle WebLogic Portal Documentation

Welcome to Oracle WebLogic Portal®. The WebLogic Portal documentation provides you with in-depth information about specific feature areas and guides you through the portal development and management life cycle. Full feature-level guides are available at the WebLogic Portal e-docs site, listed in the Features View column. Those same guides are also presented in the Life Cycle View path according to each phase of the portal life cycle.

Developing portals with WebLogic Portal is an iterative process characterized by four phases: architecture, development, staging (assemble/deploy), and production (management of your portal).

Each phase in the portal life cycle involves specific tasks and tools. The WebLogic Portal documentation maps to the portal life cycle and provides a context-rich environment for learning about building portal applications.

By reviewing the WebLogic Portal documentation according to the portal life cycle, you can understand the big-picture context, and at the same time learn about the deeper, more detailed areas you need to dive into, so that you always know where you are and how your efforts relate to other phases. To accomplish this contextual mapping, the documentation provides connection points to other phases and other related feature areas, letting you enter the documentation anywhere.

For example, in the development phase, you create your application files and functionality using the Workshop for WebLogic IDE, your source control system, and other tools of choice for creating portal application resources (Java source code, JSPs, XML, JavaScript, graphics, and so on). In the staging phase, you use the WebLogic Portal Administration Console to create and define access to your portals, fine tune portal functionality, create content, and move your application from one environment to another (such as from staging to production).

That said, Oracle recommends a top-down approach to begin: by first reviewing this Overview, especially if you are new to WebLogic Portal.

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