Configuration Guide

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Silent Mode Configurations

This appendix provides information about silent-mode configurations.


Running the Configuration Wizard in Silent-Mode

You may create an XML-formatted template that contains your configuration settings and then run the WLOC Configuration Wizard in silent mode so that it uses the template values without requiring you to complete the GUI windows.

To run the WLOC Configuration Wizard in silent-mode, follow these steps:

  1. Create a XML file containing the configuration values for the WLOC component. The name of this file is arbitrary, but the examples shown below use the name silent_config_input.xml.
  2. The XML files are described in the following sections:

    Plain Agent Template XML File
    ESX Agent Template XML File
    Controller Template XML File

  3. Launch the Configuration Wizard by entering one of the following commands:
  4. On Windows:

    BEA_HOME\wloc_10.3\common\bin\config.cmd -mode=silent -silent_xml=path\silent_config_input.xml -log=silent_config.log

    On UNIX or Linux:

    BEA_HOME/wloc_10.3/common/bin/ -mode=silent -silent_xml=path/silent_config_input.xml -log=silent_config.log

    where BEA_HOME is the BEA home directory in which you installed the software and path is the fully-qualified path to the silent_config_input.xml file.


Plain Agent Template XML File

The following XML document can be copied and used to create a silent-mode configuration template for a plain Agent. After copying the document, you must replace the italicized values with the actual values in your environment, as described in Plain Agent Configuration Values.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <data-value name="AGENT_DIR" value="c:/bea/user_projects/agent1" />
  <data-value name="" value="agent1" />
  <data-value name="" value="" />
  <data-value name="Agent.port" value="8001" />
  <data-value name="Agent.securePort" value="8002" />
  <data-value name="Agent.encryption.password" value="changeit" />
  <data-value name="Agent.useSecureConnections" value="false" />
  <data-value name="Logging.fileSeverity" value="Info" />
  <data-value name="Logging.stdoutSeverity" value="Info" />
  <data-value name="Logging.baseFileName" value="./logs/Agent.log" />
  <data-value name="Logging.fileRotationDir" value="./logs/logrotdir" />
  <data-value name="Agent.internalidentity.keystorePassword" value="changeit"/>
  <data-value name="Agent.internaltrust.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />
  <data-value name="Agent.type" value="plainAgent" />
  <data-value name="" value="agent1 pool" />
  <data-value name="PlainAgent.description" value="agent1 pool" />
  <data-value name="PlainAgent.cpuCapacity" value="2000" />
  <data-value name="PlainAgent.diskCapacity" value="1024" />
  <data-value name="PlainAgent.stdoutDir" value="./managed-stdout-stderr" />
  <data-value name="PlainAgent.stderrDir" value="./managed-stdout-stderr" />

Plain Agent Configuration Values

The following table describes the configuration values needed in the Plain Agent template XML file.

Table A-1 Plain Agent Configuration Values 
Complete path to the Agent directory.
<data-value name="AGENT_DIR" value="c:/bea/user_projects/agent1" />
The name of the Agent.
<data-value name="" value="agent1" />
The fully-qualified host name where the Agent resides.
<data-value name="" value=""/>
The Agent’s HTTP port number used when communicating with the Controller in unsecure mode.
<data-value name="Agent.port" value="8001" />
In the unlikely event you are configuring more than one Agent on the same host, be sure that each Agent uses different port numbers.
The Agent’s HTTPS port number used when communicating with the Controller in secure mode.
<data-value name="Agent.securePort" value="8002" />
In the unlikely event you are configuring more than one Agent on the same host, be sure that each Agent uses different port numbers.
A passphrase used to apply encryption beyond the Security Mode setting to encrypt certain sensitive data passed between the Controller and Agent. The password must be a minimum of 8 characters. This value will be encrypted.
<data-value name="Agent.encryption.password" value="changeit" />
If Security Mode is unsecure (false), this setting will still encrypt the most sensitive data.
The security mode to use for connections with the Controller.
false — Unsecure mode. Use in development environments only.
true — Secure mode. Should be used in production environments.
<data-value name="Agent.useSecureConnections" value="false" />
Specifying secure mode (true) ensures confidentiality and integrity of the communication and requires setting up trust between the Controller and the Agent. For details, see Secure Communications.

Note: The Controller and all Agents must be set to the same security mode.

The severity level of events to log.
<data-value name="Logging.fileSeverity" value="Info" />
In the order of severity from least severe to most severe, the log levels are: Trace, Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, Emergency
Severity levels are inclusive. When set to Info, the log will include Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, And Emergency events.
The severity level of events that should be written to stdout.
<data-value name="Logging.stdoutSeverity" value="Info" />
Uses same event levels as the log file.
The log file directory and name.
<data-value name="Logging.baseFileName" value="./logs/Agent.log" />
The log rotation directory.
<data-value name="Logging.fileRotationDir" value="./logs/logrotdir" />
The passphrase for the Agent’s internal identity keystore. This value will be encrypted.
<data-value name="Agent.internalidentity.keystorePassword" value="changeit"/>
The passphrase for the Agent’s internal trust keystore. This value will be encrypted.
<data-value name="Agent.internaltrust.keystorePassword" value="changeit"/>
The type of Agent. Must be set to plainAgent.
<data-value name="Agent.type" value="plainAgent" />
Name of the resource pool managed by the Agent.
<data-value name="" value="agent1 pool" />
An arbitrary description of the resource pool.
<data-value name="PlainAgent.description" value="agent1 pool" />
CPU capacity (in normalized megahertz) available to the resource pool.
<data-value name="PlainAgent.cpuCapacity" value="2000" />
The disk capacity available to the resource pool.
<data-value name="PlainAgent.diskCapacity" value="1024" />
Directory for the JVM stdout output stream.
<data-value name="PlainAgent.stdoutDir" value="./managed-stdout-stderr" />
Directory for the JVM Stderr output stream.
<data-value name="PlainAgent.stderrDir" value="./managed-stdout-stderr" />


ESX Agent Template XML File

The following XML document can be copied and used to create a silent-mode configuration template for an ESX Agent. After copying the document, you must replace the italicized values with the actual values in your environment, as described in ESX Agent Configuration Values.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The following elements are the same as those used for Plain Agents. For descriptions, see Plain Agent Configuration Values.

  <data-value name="AGENT_DIR" value="c:bea/user_projects/agent1" />
  <data-value name="" value="agent1" />
  <data-value name="" value="" />
  <data-value name="Agent.port" value="8001" />
  <data-value name="Agent.securePort" value="8002" />
  <data-value name="Agent.encryption.password" value="changeit" />
  <data-value name="Agent.useSecureConnections" value="false" />
  <data-value name="Logging.fileSeverity" value="Info" />
  <data-value name="Logging.stdoutSeverity" value="Info" />
  <data-value name="Logging.baseFileName" value="./logs/Agent.log" />
  <data-value name="Logging.fileRotationDir" value="./logs/logrotdir" />
<data-value name="Agent.internalidentity.keystorePassword" value="changeit"/>
<data-value name="Agent.internaltrust.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />

The following elements are described in Table A-2.

<data-value name="Agent.type" value="esxagent" />
<data-value name="" value="vmware-agent" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.description" value="VMWare ESX Information" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vcHost" value="" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.username" value="admin66" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.password" value="dorwssap" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.dataCenter" value="datacenter1" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.computeResource" value="" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.resourcePool" value="WLOCPool1" />
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.description" value="WLOCPool1" />
<data-group name="vmware-networks">
<data-element name="networks">
  <data-value name="name" value="VM Network"/>
  <data-value name="ipAddresses" value=","/>
  <data-value name="description" value="WLOC VM Network"/>
  <data-value name="gateway" value=""/>
  <data-value name="netMask" value=""/>
  <data-value name="dnsServers" value=","/>
  <data-value name="domainName" value=""/>
<data-group name="available-software">
<data-element name="iso-software">
   <data-value name="name" value="WLSVE9.2.2-ISO"/>
   <data-value name="description" value="WLSVE9.2.2-ISO"/>
   <data-value name="path" value="[SAN-store] wlsve/wlsve922.iso"/>
   <data-value name="version" value="1.1"/>
<data-element name="nfs-software">
   <data-value name="name" value="bea_home"/>
   <data-value name="description" value="bea_home on NFS"/>
   <data-value name="path" value=",uid=55004,gid=10000"/>
   <data-value name="mode" value="EXCLUSIVE"/>

ESX Agent Configuration Values

The following table describes the values needed in the ESX Agent template XML file.

Table A-2 ESX Agent Configuration Values 
The type of Agent. Must be set to esxagent.
<data-value name="Agent.type" value="esxagent" />
The ESX Agent name.
<data-value name="" value="vmware-agent" />
An arbitrary description of the ESX Agent.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.description" value="VMWare ESX Information" />
The Virtual Center host name.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vcHost" value="" />
The Virtual Center administrator username.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.username" value="admin66" />
The Virtual Center administrator’s password.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.password" value="dorwssap" />
The name of the Datacenter containing the resource pool managed by this Agent.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.dataCenter" value="datacenter1" />
The ESX Server host or cluster name.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.computeResource" value="" />
The Resource Pool containing the LiquidVM instances to be managed by this Agent.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.resourcePool" value="WLOCPool1" />
An arbitrary description of the resource pool.
<data-value name="EsxAgent.vmwarePool.description" value="WLOCPool1" />
The Virtual Machine Port Group to which the LiquidVM instance is assigned. For a cluster of ESX hosts, all hosts must have a Virtual Machine Port Group with the same name and the group must be mapped a physical adapter connected to the same physical network.
<data-value name="name" value="VM Network"/>
One or more IP addresses reserved for the LiquidVM instances. Specify multiple addresses on the same line separated using a comma (,).
<data-value name="ipAddresses" value=","/>
An arbitrary description.
<data-value name="description" value="WLOC VM Network"/>
The Gateway address used by the LiquidVM instance. This can be determined from the physical network adapter to which the Virtual Machine Port Group is mapped. If not specified, the LiquidVM instance will use the default gateway based on its IP address.
<data-value name="gateway" value=""/>
The Netmask used by the LiquidVM instance. This can be determined from the physical network adapter to which the Virtual Machine Port Group is mapped. If not specified, the LiquidVM instance will use the default netmask.
<data-value name="netMask" value=""/>
The primary and alternate DNS Server used by the LiquidVM instance. Specify multiple addresses on the same line separated using a comma (,). The LiquidVM instance cannot use remote DNS lookup if this is not specified.
<data-value name="dnsServers" value=","/>
The domain name used by the LiquidVM instance.
<data-value name="domainName" value=""/>
Use one or more instances of the XML structure below to define each ISO that can be used by virtual machines created in the pool managed by this Agent. These definitions must be under the <data-group name="available-software"> element.
<data-element name="iso-software">
   <data-value name="name" value="
WLSVE9.2.2-ISO "/>
   <data-value name="description" value="
My iso "/>
   <data-value name="path" value="[SAN-store]
   <data-value name="version" value="
name— ISO name
description— Arbitrary description
path — Location of the ISO software, including the datastore. Syntax: [datastore] /path/filename
version — VMWare version (1.0, 1.1, or 1.2)
Use one or more instances of the XML structure below to define each NFS mount point that can be accessed by virtual machines created in the pool managed by this Agent. These definitions must be under the <data-group name="available-software"> element.
<data-element name="nfs-software">
   <data-value name="name" value="
   <data-value name="description" value="
bea home on nfs"/>
   <data-value name="path" value=",uid=55004,gid=10000"/>
   <data-value name="mode" value="EXCLUSIVE"/>
name — NFS name
description — Arbitrary description
path — The NFS share path using the following syntax: <ip_address>:<path>,uid=<uid_num>,gid=<gid_num>
      <ip_address> — IP Address of the NFS share host
      <path> — path to the share
      <uid_num> — userid number
      <gid_num> — group id number
mode — this value must be EXCLUSIVE


Controller Template XML File

The following XML document can be copied and used to create a silent-mode configuration template for a Controller. After copying the document, you must replace the italicized values with the actual values in your environment, as described in Controller Configuration Values.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <data-value name="CONTROLLER_DIR" value="c:/bea/user_projects/controller" />
   <data-value name="" value="" />
   <data-value name="Controller.console.port" value="9001" />
   <data-value name="Controller.console.securePort" value="9002" />
   <data-value name="Controller.internal.port" value="9003" />
   <data-value name="Controller.internal.securePort" value="9004" />
   <data-value name="Controller.consoleMode" value="BOTH" />
   <data-value name="Controller.useSecureConnections" value="false" />
   <data-value name="Logging.fileSeverity" value="Info" />
   <data-value name="Logging.stdoutSeverity" value="Info" />
   <data-value name="Logging.baseFileName" value="./logs/controller.log" />
   <data-value name="Logging.fileRotationDir" value="./logs/logrotdir"/>
   <data-value name="Notification.smtp.enabled" value="true"/>
   <data-value name="Notification.smtp.toAddress" value=""/>
   <data-value name="Notification.smtp.fromAddress" value=""/>
   <data-value name="Notification.smtp.smtpServer" value="" />
   <data-value name="Notification.jms.enabled" value="true"/>
   <data-value name="Notification.jms.destinationJndiName" value="LOC_Queue_Notification" />
   <data-value name="Notification.jms.connectionFactoryJndiName" value="LOC_QueueConnectionFactory" />
   <data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.initialFactory" value="weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" />
   <data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.providerUrl" value="iiop://"/>
   <data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.securityPrincipal" value="system"/>
   <data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.password" value="system"/>
   <data-value name="Notification.jmx.enabled" value="true"/>
   <data-value name="Notification.snmp.enabled" value="true"/>
   <data-value name="" value=""/>
   <data-value name="Notification.snmp.agent.port" value="2002"/>
   <data-value name="" value=""/>
   <data-value name="Notification.snmp.trapDestinations.destination.port" value="1642"/>   
   <data-value name="Notification.snmp.agent.trapVersion" value="SNMPv2"/>
   <data-group name="agents">
     <data-element name="agent">
              <data-value name="name" value="agent1"/>
              <data-value name="host" value=""/>
              <data-value name="port" value="8001"/>
              <data-value name="secure-port" value="8002"/>
              <data-value name="state" value="Enabled"/>
              <data-value name="password" value="changeit"/>
   <data-value name="LoginInfo.username" value="WLOCBootUser" />
   <data-value name="LoginInfo.password" value="changeit" />
   <data-value name="Controller.demoidentity.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />
   <data-value name="Controller.internalidentity.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />
   <data-value name="Controller.internaltrust.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />
   <data-value name="Controller.publicKeyFile" value=".keys/" />

Controller Configuration Values

The following table describes the values needed in the Controller template XML file.

Table A-3 Controller Configuration Values 
Complete path to the Controller directory.
<data-value name="CONTROLLER_DIR" value="c:/bea/user_projects/controller" />
Fully-qualified host name of the Controller machine.
<data-value name="" value="" />
HTTP port for the WLOC Administration Console
<data-value name="Controller.console.port" value="9001" />
HTTPS port for the WLOC Administration Console.
<data-value name="Controller.console.securePort" value="9002" />
Port used by Agents for unsecure internal communication with the Controller.
<data-value name="Controller.internal.port" value="9003" />
Port used by Agents for secure internal communication with the Controller.
<data-value name="Controller.internal.securePort" value="9004" />
Enter SECURE (HTTPS), UNSECURE (HTTP), or BOTH (both HTTP & HTTPS) to specify how clients may connect to the Administration Console:
<data-value name="Controller.consoleMode" value="BOTH" />
Select one of the following to specify the security level to be used for internal communications between WLOC components.
false — Unsecure mode. Uses HTTP without SSL and guarantee of confidentiality and integrity. Use in development environments only.
true — Secure mode. Uses HTTPS providing message confidentiality and integrity. Should be used in production environments.
NOTE: All Agents must use the same security mode as that used by the Controller with which they communicate.
<data-value name="Controller.useSecureConnections" value="false" />

Level of events to log. In order of severity from least to most severe, log levels are: Trace, Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, Emergency

<data-value name="Logging.fileSeverity" value="Info" />
Level of events to write to stdout. Uses same event levels as the log file.
<data-value name="Logging.stdoutSeverity" value="Info" />
Log file and directory relative to the Controller directory.
<data-value name="Logging.baseFileName" value="./logs/controller.log" />
Rotation directory for controller logs.
<data-value name="Logging.fileRotationDir" value="./logs/logrotdir" />
Specify true to enable SMTP notification; otherwise, specify false.
<data-value name="Notification.smtp.enabled" value="true"/>
E-mail address to which notifications should be sent.
<data-value name="Notification.smtp.toAddress" value=""/>
E-mail address from which notifications should be sent.
<data-value name="Notification.smtp.fromAddress" value=""/>
SMTP mail server through which to send notifications.
<data-value name="Notification.smtp.smtpServer" value="" />
Specify true to enable JMS notification; otherwise, specify false.
<data-value name="Notification.jms.enabled" value="true"/>
Destination JNDI name.
<data-value name="Notification.jms.destinationJndiName" value="LOC_Queue_Notification" />
Name of the JNDI connection factory.
<data-value name="Notification.jms.connectionFactoryJndiName" value="LOC_QueueConnectionFactory" />
Fully-qualified package and class of the initial factory.
<data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.initialFactory" value="weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" />
JNDI provider URL.
<data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.providerUrl" value="iiop://"/>
JNDI user name.
<data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.securityPrincipal" value="system"/>
JNDI user’s password.
<data-value name="Notification.jms.jndiProperties.password" value="system"/>
Specify true to enable JMX notification; otherwise, specify false.
<data-value name="Notification.jmx.enabled" value="true"/>
Specify true to enable SNMP notification; otherwise, specify false.
<data-value name="Notification.snmp.enabled" value="true"/>
Hostname of the SNMP agent.
<data-value name="" value=""/>
Port number of the SNMP agent.
<data-value name="Notification.snmp.agent.port" value="2002"/>
DNS name or IP address of SNMP manager machine.
<data-value name="" value=""/>
Listening port of the SNMP manager.
<data-value name="Notification.snmp.trapDestinations.destination.port" value="1642"/>
SNMP version (SNMPv1 or SNMPv2)
<data-value name="Notification.snmp.agent.trapVersion" value="SNMPv2"/>
Agent Information
‘<data-element name="agent">
Use one or more instances of the XML structure below to define each Agent. This structure must be encapsulated under the <data-group name="agents"> element.
<data-group name="agents">
 <data-element name="agent">
    <data-value name="name" value="
    <data-value name="host" value="
   <data-value name="port" value="
    <data-value name="secure-port" value="
    <data-value name="state" value="
    <data-value name="password" value="
name — Agent name.
host — Fully-qualified host name or IP address of the Agent machine.
port — HTTP port on which to access the Agent.
secure-port — HTTPS port on which to access the Agent.
state — One of Enabled, Connected, or Disconnected.
password — Agent’s current passphrase. Communication between the Controller and Agent will fail unless the entry matches the Agent’s current passphrase.
The username for logging into the Administration Console.
<data-value name="LoginInfo.username" value="WLOCBootUser" />
The password for the above user.
<data-value name="LoginInfo.password" value="changeit" />
The Controller identity keystore password used for connections to the console.
<data-value name="Controller.demoidentity.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />
The Controller internal identity keystore password.
<data-value name="Controller.internalidentity.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />
The Controller identity trust keystore password.
<data-value name="Controller.internaltrust.keystorePassword" value="changeit" />
The path and name of the SSH public key file to be passed to Agents that are creating LVM instances with SSH enabled.
<data-value name="Controller.publicKeyFile" value="C:/sshKey/" />

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