Application Development Guide

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Introduction and Roadmap

Document Scope and Audience

Oracle CEP Documentation Set

Guide to This Document

Samples for the Oracle CEP Application Developer

Overview of Creating Oracle Complex Event Processing Applications

Overview of the Oracle Complex Event Processing Programming Model

Components of the Oracle CEP Event Processing Network

Event Sources and Event Sinks

Component Configuration Files

How Components Fit Together

Application Lifecycle

Oracle CEP APIs

Oracle CEP Development Environment for Eclipse

Downloading the Latest Oracle CEP IDE

Installing the Oracle CEP IDE Distributed With the Product

Creating Oracle CEP Applications: Typical Steps

Creating the EPN Assembly File

Creating the Event Types

Using an Event Type Builder Factory

Sharing Event Types Between Application Bundles

Next Steps

Creating Custom Adapters and Event Beans

Overview of Adapters

Overview of Event Beans

Overview of Event Sources and Event Sinks

Standard Spring Beans as Event Sources

Event Beans as Event Sources

Event Sinks

Overview of Adapter and Event Bean Factories

Creating Adapters or Event Beans: Typical Steps

Programming Adapters and Event Bean Classes as Event Sources: Guidelines

Programming Event Sinks: Guidelines

Programming the Optional Factory Class

Accessing a Relational Database

Updating the EPN Assembly File

Registering the Adapter or Event Bean Factory

Declaring the Adapter and Event Bean Components in your Application

Configuring the Adapter or Event Bean

Example of an Adapter Configuration File

Creating an Adapter or Event Bean in Its Own Bundle

Extending the Configuration of an Adapter or Event Bean

Creating the XSD Schema File

Complete Example of an Extended XSD Schema File

Programming Access to the Configuration of an Adapter or Event Bean

Passing Login Credentials from an Adapter to the Data Feed Provider

Updating the Adapter Code to Access the Login Credential Properties

Using the Java Message Service (JMS) Adapters

Overview of Using the JMS Adapters

Using JMS Adapters: Typical Steps

Creating a Custom Converter Between JMS Messages and Event Types

Updating the EPN Assembly File With JMS Adapters

Configuring the JMS Adapters

Encrypting Passwords in the JMS Adapter Configuration File

Using and Creating HTTP Publish-Subscribe Adapters

Overview of HTTP Publish-Subscribe Functionality in Oracle CEP

Converting Between JSON Messages and Event Types

Overview of the Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter for Local Publishing

Overview of the Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter for Remote Publishing

Overview of the Built-In Pub-Sub Adapter for Subscribing

Using the Built-In HTTP Pub-Sub Adapters in an Application: Typical Steps

Creating a Custom Converter Between the HTTP Pub-Sub Messages and Event Types

Configuring the HTTP Pub-Sub Adapters

Updating the EPN Assembly File

Configuring the Stream Component

Overview of the Stream Configuration File

Creating the Stream Configuration File: Main Steps

Example of an Stream Configuration File

Configuring the Complex Event Processor

Overview of the Complex Event Processer Configuration File

Configuring the Complex Event Processor: Main Steps

Example of a Processor Configuration File

Using Oracle CEP Caching

Overview of Oracle Complex Event Processing Caching

Use Case: Publishing Events to a Cache

Use Case: Consuming Data From a Cache

Use Case: Updating and Deleting Data in a Cache

Additional Caching Features

Caching APIs

Typical Steps to Use Oracle CEP Caching

Configuring the Oracle CEP Caching System and Caches

Declaring the Caching System in the EPN Assembly File

Declaring a Cache in the EPN Assembly File

Configuring and Programming a Business POJO to Access a Cache

Configuring and Programming an Adapter to Access a Cache

Configuring and Programming a User-Defined EPL Function to Access a Cache

Configuring a Cache as a Listener

Specifying the Key Used to Index a Cache

Specifying a Key Property in EPN Assembly File

Using a Metadata Annotation to Specify a Key

Specifying a Composite Key

Configuring a Cache as an Event Source

Configuring a Cache Loader

Configuring a Cache Store

Referencing a Cache from an EPL Statement

Restrictions When Using a Cache in an EPL Statement

Typical Steps To Reference a Cache in an EPL Statement

Coherence Support

Declaring the Coherence Provider in the EPN Assembly File

Configuring the Coherence Caching System

The coherence-cache-config.xml File

The tangasol-coherence-override.xml File

Using a Persistent Store to Record and Playback Events

Overview of Using a Persistent Store to Record and Playback Events

The Event Store

Recording Events

Playing Back Events

Querying Stored Events

Restrictions on the Event Types that Can Be Recorded

Record and Playback Example

Implementing Record and Playback of Events in Your Application: Typical Steps

Configuring an Event Store for Oracle CEP Server

Configuring a Component to Store Events

Configuring a Component to Playback Events

Starting and Stopping the Record and Playback of Events

Description of the Database Tables Created by the RDMBS Provider

Creating a Custom Event Store Provider

Assembling and Deploying Oracle Complex Event Processing Applications

Overview of Application Assembly and Deployment

Assembling an Oracle CEP Application: Main Steps

Creating the MANIFEST.MF File

Accessing Third-Party JAR Files From Your Application

Deploying Oracle CEP Applications: Main Steps

Using the Load Generator to Test Your Application

Overview of the Load Generator Utility

Creating a Load Generator Property File

Creating a Data Feed File

Configuring the csvgen Adapter in Your Application

Additional Information about Spring and OSGi

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