Portlet Page Tags for Adaptive Layout

This library contains the Portlet Page tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework These tags are only available on the Portlet Page Adaptive Layout.

Tag Library Information

Tag Summary
currpagelayoutidSets a data value with the current page layout ID.
pagenamebreadcrumbsdataThis tag only works with the Portlet Page Adaptive Layout. Stores the breadcrumb path to the current page in memory. Each breadcrumb data object will have the following variables: name for the breadcrumbs' MyPage or Community name, and url for the URL to access the parent breadcrumb. The current page will not contain the URL, instead it will have the constant 'EMPTY_STRING'.
portletcollapseexpandbuttondisplayDisplays the collapse/expand button of a portlet from a data object, specified by the pt:datavar attribute.
portletcontentdisplayDisplays content of a portlet without the portlet header from a data object, specified by the pt:datavar attribute.
portletdisplayDisplays an entire portlet with header as defined from a data object, specified by the pt:datavar attribute. The portlet header is displayed as defined by MyPortletContentView, which by default uses the classical look and feel from AquaLogic Interaction (ALI) 6.1.
portlethelpbuttondisplayDisplays the help button of a portlet from a data object, specified by the pt:datavar attribute.
portletpreferencesdataSets PTURL DO data on the scope specified with List of URLs to portlet preferences of portlet specified by datavar.

This URL contains the following standard URL components: title, url, uri, img, imgheight, imgwidth and params.
In addition, the name of each parameter in the query string of the URL in the link is also a valid component key. So param1 could be used as a key to retrieve the value of the query string parameter param1=value1. For instance, if the url is http://...server.pt?open=518&objID=58411... you can get the objid data as a name/value pair stored under objid (all lower case).

portletpreferencebuttondisplayDisplays the preference button of a portlet from a data object, specified by the pt:datavar attribute.
portletrefreshbuttondisplayDisplays the refresh button of a portlet from a data object, specified by the pt:datavar attribute.
portletregiondataCreates a tag data variable with a list of portlets. Other display tags, such as portletpage.portletdisplay use this data to display the portlet content. This tag works on MyPages and Community pages. The following properties can be accessed from this tag:
  • name - The name of the portlet.
  • objid - The object ID of the portlet.
  • index - The index of the portlet in the portlet array.
  • portletidstring - The string identifier of the portlet.
  • adminprefurl - The administrative preference page link for the portlet if one exists.
  • commprefurl - The community preference page link for the portlet if one exists.
  • userprefurl - The user preference page link for the portlet if one exists.
  • helpurl - The help link for the portlet if one exists.
  • collapseexpandurl - The link for collapsing or expanding the portlet depending on the collapse state of the portlet.
  • removeurl - The link for removing the portlet.
  • hastitlebar - True if the portlet title bar is not suppressed, false otherwise.
  • iscollapsed - True if the portlet is collapsed, false if it is expanded.
<pt:portletpage.portletregiondata pt:key="var1" pt:region="1"/>
<pt:logic.foreach pt:data="var1" pt:var="curr">
<pt:portletpage.portletdisplay pt:datavar="curr"/>
portletregiondisplayGenerates the HTML for a portlet region, a container for portlets that specifies where and how portlets inside the region are displayed. All portlets on a page must be put in a region tag.
portletremovebuttondisplayDisplays the remove button of a portlet from a data object, specified by the pt:datavar attribute.

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