Search Page Tags for Adaptive Layout

This library contains the Search Results Page tags for the Adaptive Page Layout Framework.The tags in this library will only work with the Search Results Adaptive Layout, and can only by used on the search results page.

Tag Library Information

Tag Summary
followupformdataStores the data necessary to build the follow up search form. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
followupformsubmitlinkGenerates an HTML anchor to submit the follow up search form. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
followupformGenerates a search form with the previous search query and allows users to either modify their existing search or do a new search. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
followupformtextboxThis tag generates the search box for the follow up search, including the previous query string as a default value. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.

This tag does not display the contents of the tag and should only be used as a singleton tag (i.e. <pt:searchpage.followupformtextbox/>), rather than as a tag with both an open and close tag.

itemsperpagedataStores the currently select number of items per page in a Data Object with the key selectedValue. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
paginationdataGenerates the data for the pagination links for the search results and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. The main data is stored as a DataObject with the following variables:
  • total - The total number of results.
  • numperpage - The number of results to display per page.
  • start - The first result displayed on the current page.
  • end - The last result displayed on the current page.
  • lastpage - The index of the last page.
  • previousurl - The URL to the previous page.
  • nexturl - The URL to the next page.
  • firstpageurl - The URL to the first page.
  • lastpageurl - The URL to the last page.
NOTE: The following variables may not be present in all pagination data objects: lastpage, previousurl, nexturl, firstpageurl, and lastpageurl.
Additionally, the list of page links to display is stored in memory using the variable name specified by the pageslist attribute. Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • number - The index of the page.
  • start - The first result displayed on the page.
  • end - The last result displayed on the page.
  • url - The URL to the page; will not be present if the page is the current page.
Use tags from the Logic tags library to iterate over the list and display the results. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
searchresultsdataGenerates the data needed to show a list of search results, and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • name - The name of the result.
  • description - The description of the result. Not present if there is no description.
  • rank - The rank of the result.
  • resulthref - The href of the result link (a friendly URL for portal items,full gatewayed URL for Collaboration and Publisher items).
  • resultonclick - The onclick handler for result link. Not present if there is no onclick handler.
  • resulttarget - The target window name for result link. Not present if there is no target.
  • icon - The URL for the icon of the result.
  • iconalttext - Alternate text for the icon.
  • iconheight - The height of the icon in pixels.
  • iconwidth - The width of the icon in pixels.
  • lastmodified - A string representation (in current locale) of the last modified date.
  • propertieshref - The href of the properties link. Not present if there is no properties link.
  • propertiesonclick - The onclick handler for the properties link. Not present if there is no properties link.
  • isbestbet - True if the result is a best bet, and false otherwise.
  • isinmultiplefolders - True if the result lives in more than one Knowledge Directory folder.
  • folderpathhref - The href for the link to the Knowledge Directory folder for this result. Not present if there is none.
  • folderpath - The name of the Knowledge Directory folder for this result. Not present if there is none.
  • projectonclick - The onclick handler for the link to the Collaboration project containing this result (for Collaboration results only). Not present if not a Collaboration result.
  • projectname - The name of the Collaboration project containing this result. Not present if no name is found.
  • lastpublishedby - The name of the last publishing user (for Publisher results only). Not present if not a Publisher result.
  • associatedobjectsonclick - The onclick handler for the link to associated objects (for Publisher results only). Not present if not a Publisher result.
Use tags from the Logic library to iterate over the list and display results. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout, unless a new query is provided using the search attribute.
searchsummarydataGenerates the data needed to summarize the search and make various links, and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. The DataObject contains the following variables:
  • advancedsearchurl - The href for the Advanced search link.
  • advancedsearchlinktext - The text of the Advanced search link.
  • savedsearchhasbeensaved - "true" if the saved search has been saved before, "false" if it hasn't, and not present if there shouldn't be a saved search link on this page (e.g. for guest users).
  • savedsearchname - The name of the previously saved searched search, if this search has been saved before.
  • savesearchonclick - The onclick for the saved search link, if this search has not been saved before.
  • editurl - The URL for the edit button, if the user has edit access and we are not already in edit mode.
  • searchwarning - The search warning, if there is one.
  • nosubfoldersfound - "true" if there were no groups and we're grouping by folder, not present otherwise.
  • originalsearch - The original search text.
  • searchtext - The original search text. NOTE: This is only present in certain advanced searches.
  • language - The language restriction, if there is one.
  • overallclauseoperator - The overall clause operator, to be used with the property constraints, if there are any. This may not be present.
  • includesubfolders - The subfolders include string, if there are folder restrictions.
  • hasadvancedrestrictions - "true" if there are advanced search restrictions, "false" if there are not.
This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
sortformdataGenerates the data describing the sort option list on this page, and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. It also stores the list of sort options under a key available in the data object. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
sortformDisplays the form and javascript necessary to change the search results sort order. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.
typefilterdataGenerates the data describing the type filter list on the current page, and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. It also stores the list of type filter options under a key available in the data object. This tag only works with the Search Page Adaptive Layout.

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