Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Deploying a Custom Content Crawler (Java)

After implementing a custom content crawler, you must deploy your code.

Follow the instructions below to deploy a Java content crawler.

  1. Compile the class that implements the IDK interface and copy the entire package structure to the appropriate location in your web application (usually the \WEB-INF\classes directory).
  2. Update the web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory by adding the class to the appropriate *Impl keys. For a content crawler, add your class to ContainerProviderImpl and DocumentProviderImpl as shown below. Note:The *Impl key in web.xml must reference the fully-qualified name of both provider classes required by the service. If the service uses SCI, you must also enter the fully-qualified name of the appropriate implementation of the IAdminEditor interface.
  3. Start your application server. (In most cases, you must restart your application server after copying a file.)
  4. Test the directory by opening the following page in a Web browser: http://<hostname:port>/edk/services/<servicetype>ProviderSoapBinding (for example, http://localhost:8080/edk/ContainerProviderSoapBinding and http://localhost:8080/edk/DocumentProviderSoapBinding). The browser should display the following message: "Hi there, this is an AXIS service! Perhaps there will be a form for invoking the service here..." When you configure the Web Service object for the content crawler in the portal, enter this path as the Service Provider URL.
  5. If the content crawler uses DocFetch, you must also deploy your DocFetch code. Open the WEB-INF\web.xml file and add the fully-qualified name of your class in the DocFetchProvider initialization parameter, as shown in the code that follows.
    <!-- Modify the param-value below to reference your class --> 

For details on configuring your crawler, see Configuring Content Crawlers.

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