Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Web Service Class Names (*Impl)

To deploy a content service, identity service or SCI page, you must enter the qualified class name in the web.xml (Java) or Web.config (.NET) file for your project.

For Java services, add your class to the web.xml for your project. The *Impl key in the web.xml file must reference the fully-qualified name of the class. For content services and identity services, you must enter the name of both provider classes required by the service. If the service uses SCI, enter the fully-qualified name of the appropriate implementation of the IAdminEditor interface. For example, for an authentication service, add your class to AuthProviderImpl as shown below.
For .NET services, add your class to the Web.config for your project. Some services also require an entry for the assembly. For example, for an authentication service, add your assembly to AuthProviderAssembly and your class to AuthProviderImpl as shown below.
Note: When you create a new project, Visual Studio sets the root namespace to the name of the project.This name is prepended to any namespace you define in the project.The *Impl key in the web.config file must reference the full namespace. (To view the root namespace, right-click the project name in Solution Explorer and click Properties.If you clear the root namespace field, the change will not be reflected until the project is rebuilt.)
<add key="AuthProviderAssembly" value="dotnetauthsample"/>
<add key="AuthProviderImpl" value="dotnetauthsample.AuthSample"/>
The table that follows provides the required *Impl parameters and associated service types.
Service Type *Impl Parameters
Authentication Service AuthProviderImpl, SyncProviderImpl
Content Crawler ContainerProviderImplDocumentProviderImplDocFetchImpl (.NET only) Note: Deploying DocFetch requires additional parameters.
Profile Service ProfileProviderImpl
Federated Search SearchImpl
Service Configuration Interface (SCI) SciImpl
.NET services also require an entry for the associated assembly. The table below provides the required *Assembly parameters and associated service types.
Service Type *Assembly Parameters
Authentication Service AuthProviderAssembly SyncProviderAssembly
Content Crawler ContainerProviderAssemblyDocumentProviderAssemblyDocFetchAssembly
Profile Service ProfileProviderAssembly
Federated Search SearchAssembly
Service Configuration Interface (SCI) AdminEditorAssembly

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