Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Deploying a .NET Profile Service

To deploy an authentication service to IIS and .NET, follow these steps.

  • Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) must be installed on the server to which you intend to deploy.
  • You must have implemented IProfileProvider and IUser. For details, see Implementing a Profile Service.

This topic describes how to deploy an Authentication Service implemented in Java to a Java application server.

To deploy an authentication service to IIS and .NET:
  1. Ensure that you have built your project with the ProfileProviderSoapBinding.asmx SOAP endpoint.

    If this service uses SCI, also include SCIProviderBinding.asmx. These files can be found in your IDK installation.

    The Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) installation is typically installed to C:\Program Files\plumtree\idk\<version>\devkit\

  2. Update Web.config for profile services.

    Add the following nodes to <appSettings>:

    • <add key="ProfileProviderAssembly" value="assembly name" />

      Where assembly name is the name of the assembly containing your IProfileProvider implementation.

    • <add key="ProfileProviderImpl" value="fully qualified path" />

      Where fully qualified path is the fully qualified path to the class implementing IProfileProvider.

    For example:

        <add key="ProfileProviderAssembly" value="HelloWorldProf_CS" />
        <add key="ProfileProviderImpl" value="HelloWorldProf_CS.Profile" />
  3. Update Web.config for services that use SCI.

    If this service uses SCI, add the following nodes to <appSettings>:

    • <add key="AdminEditorAssembly" value="assembly name" />

      Where assembly name is the name of the assembly containing your IAdminEditor implementation.

    • <add key="AdminEditorImpl" value="fully qualified path" />

      Where fully qualified path is the fully qualified path to the class implementing IAdminEditor.

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