Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Modifying the Portlet Title Bar

The portlet title bar is the solid colored bar that displays the portlet name at the top of each portlet on a portal page. The portlet code has full control over the text and functionality displayed in the title bar.

The default title for a portlet is entered in the Portlet Editor. In internationalized portlets, the portlet title bar should be localized.
To override the default title, use the Oracle WebCenter Interaction Development Kit (IDK) method PortletResponse.setTitle as shown in the sample VB code below.
Dim portletContext As IPortletContext
portletContext = PortletContextFactory.CreatePortletContext(Request, Response)

Dim portletResponse As IPortletResponse
portletResponse = PortletContext.GetResponse()

Dim portletRequest As IPortletRequest
portletRequest = PortletContext.GetRequest()

portletResponse.SetTitle("New Title")
This code can be combined with logic to determine the locale of the user and display the title in the appropriate language. For details on internationalizing portlet content, see Using Internationalized Strings in Adaptive Tags.

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