To create a link that can open or view an
object or properties of an object that already exists within the portal,
use the pt:standard.openerlink tag.
You can use the
pt:standard.openerlink tag for a variety of purposes, including viewing the User Profile
for a user (requires User ID), viewing a community page (requires
Community ID), opening a Remote Server object to edit the base URL
(requires Remote Server ID), and clicking through to a document in
the Knowledge Directory (requires Document ID). The
pt:standard.openerlink tag is primarily controlled by three attributes:
For a full list of class IDs and associated modes, see
Oracle WebCenter Interaction Object Type Class IDs and Modes.
Note: When you open an object in edit mode from a gatewayed
page, clicking Finish or Cancel will close the window, so you should
always use a popup window. When you open an object in edit mode from
within a portal page (My Page or Community Page), clicking Finish
or Cancel will redirect to the return URI within the same window,
so using a popup window might not be necessary. Always test your code
in the portal to make sure it functions as expected.
To open
a link in a popup window, you must add attributes to the link to control
the popup window. All attributes that are not in the PT namespace
are passed through to the transformed link. The following example
opens a community page in a separate window.
<pt:standard.openerlink xmlns:pt='' pt:objectid='1'
pt:classid='512' pt:mode='2' target='myWindow' ('','myWindow','height=800,width=700,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no');>View my Community.</pt:standard.openerlink>
Any time a user's name is displayed on a page, it is a best
practice to display a clickable link to the user’s profile page. The
pt:standard.openerlink tag allows you to create links on
demand using the User ID. (As noted above, use the PRC to access the
object ID.) This example is not displayed in a popup window.
<pt:standard.openerlink xmlns:pt='' pt:objectid='" & _ userID & "'
pt:classid='1' pt:mode='2'>"& LocRM.GetString("userName") & _ "</pt:standard.openerlink>