Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Implementing Custom UI Elements Using Adaptive Tags

UI tags can be used to insert Oracle WebCenter Interaction UI elements in portlets to create custom UI layouts.

The sample code below implements standard portal header elements using tags. You can also add navigation elements to any portlet using Navigation Tags. For details, see Navigation Adaptive Tag Library (pt:plugnav). Additional tags from the Standard tag library can be used to display instance-specific information, including the date and time and the page name and type. For details, see Standard Adaptive Tag Library (pt:standard) .
<span xmlns:pt=''>

<!-- Topbar -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0" class="banTopbarBg" id="pt-topbar">
    <td align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
      <pt:ptui.myhome pt:usespan="true"/>
      <span class="banGreetingText banText" id="pt-user-nav">
      <pt:ptui.welcome pt:usespan="true" />
      <span class="spacer" style="padding-left:8px;"></span>
      <pt:ptui.myaccount pt:usespan="true" />
      <span class="spacer" style="padding-left:8px;"></span>
      <pt:ptui.login pt:usespan="true"/> 
    <td align="right" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
      <pt:ptui.searchform pt:usespan="true">
<!-- Topbar section end -->
This code creates the following header:

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