Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web Service Development Guide

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Data Adaptive Tag Library (pt:ptdata)

The Data tag library (pt:ptdata) provides access to URLs for most navigation-related components, such as a user’s my pages, my communities, subcommunities, my account page or administration.

The tags in the pt:ptdata tag library are available for use only in Oracle WebCenter Interaction. Data tags return URL attributes as data; they must be used in conjunction with a display tag (navigation tags or pt:core.html).

Each data tag requires an ID that is set with an attribute and returns a single URL, a collection of URLs, or nothing. Data tags might return no URL at all if a user does not have access to the referenced page. You can also create a collection of data tags by setting the same ID on multiple data tags.
<pt:ptdata.mypageactionsdata pt:id="mypagemenu" />
<pt:ptdata.mypagesdata pt:id="mypagemenu" />
In addition to the URL, each navigation data tag also provides additional information, such as the title of the URL and the icon associated with the URL. Certain types of URLs also contain objectIDs, classIDs, or a current page flag. It is also possible to get values for individual query string parameters from an URL. The URL and all other data is stored as a dataobject (DO) component. Each DO component can be accessed through a text replacement syntax. Data tags take in the following URL attributes: title, url, uri, img, imgwidth, imgheight, and params. For example, the following code gets the title and URL component from the mydata URL.
<pt:ptdata.administrationdata pt:id="mydata" />
<pt:logic.value pt:value="$mydata.title"/>
<pt:logic.value pt:value="$mydata.url"/>
After transformation, this code generates the following data: "Administration http://servername/portal/

The tables below summarize available data tags. For an example of implementing custom navigation using data tags, see Implementing Custom Navigation Using Adaptive Tags. For a full list of tags and attributes, see the tagdocs.

Basic Portal Components: These tags provide URLs to access standard portal components, including login/logoff, Administration, Directory, search, and online help.
Tag Function
pt:ptdata.loginlogoffdata Returns URL to Login/Logoff action based on the current state of the user. (If the user is logged in, the URL executes logoff; if the user is not logged in, the URL executes login.)
pt:ptdata.myaccountdata Returns URL to current user's My Account page.
pt:ptdata.administrationdata Returns URL to portal Administration. The URL is only returned if the user has permission to access Administration.
pt:ptdata.directorybrowsedata Returns URL to the portal Directory in browse mode.
pt:ptdata.directoryeditdata Returns URL to the portal Directory in edit mode.
pt:ptdata.advancedsearchdata Returns URL to the Advanced Search page.
pt:ptdata.federatedsearchdata Returns URL to the Federated Search page.
pt:ptdata.helppagedata Returns URL to the portal online help.
pt:ptdata.genericurl Returns URL based on parameters set in tag attributes.
MyPages: These tags provide URLs to MyPage components, including editors.
Tag Function
pt:ptdata.mypagesdata Returns a list of URLs to the user's MyPages.
pt:ptdata.mypageactionsdata Returns a list of URLs to the user's MyPage-related actions.
pt:ptdata.editmypageactionsdata Returns URL to launch the Edit MyPage editor.
pt:ptdata.editmypageportletprefsdata Returns URL to launch the Edit MyPage Portlet Preferences editor.
pt:ptdata.createnewmypagedata Returns URL to launch the Create New MyPage editor. The URL is not returned if the user already has the maximum number of MyPages.
pt:ptdata.addmypageportletsdata Returns URL to launch the Add Portlets to MyPages editor.
pt:ptdata.deletemypagedata Returns URL to the Delete MyPage action. The URL is not returned if the user is on the main MyPage.
Experience Definitions: These tags provide URLs to experience-specific components as specified in the experience definition associated with the current user.
Tag Function
pt:ptdata.myhomedata Returns URL to current user's Home page as specified in the associated experience definition.
pt:ptdata.mandatorylinksdata Returns a list of URLs to the user's Mandatory Links as specified in the associated experience definition.
pt:ptdata.mandatorylinksnamedata Returns the name of the Mandatory Links folder as a string.
Communities: These tags provide URLs to community components, and lists of URLs for community pages that meet specific conditions, including subcommunities, related communities, and a user's current communities.
Tag Function
pt:ptdata.mycommunitiesdata Returns a list of URLs to the communities in the user's My Communities list.
pt:ptdata.communitypagesdata Returns a list of URLs to the pages in the specified community.
pt:ptdata.currcommunitypagesdata Returns a list of URLs to the pages in the current community.
pt:ptdata.subcommunitiesdata Returns a list of URLs to the subcommunities for the specified community.
pt:ptdata.currsubcommunitiesdata Returns a list of URLs to the subcommunities for the current community.
pt:ptdata.relatedcommunitiesdata Returns a list of URLs to the related communities for the specified community.
pt:ptdata.currrelatedcommunitiesdata Returns a list of URLs to the related communities for the current community.
pt:ptdata.communitykddata Returns the URL to the community Knowledge Directory
pt:ptdata.communityactionsdata Returns a list of URLs to the user's community-related actions.
pt:ptdata.editcommunitydata Returns URL to launch the Community Editor for the current community.
pt:ptdata.createnewcommpagedata Returns URL to launch the Create New Community Page page of the Community Editor. The URL is returned only if the user has permission to edit the community.
pt:ptdata.addcommunityportletsdata Returns URL to launch the Add Portlets page of the Community Editor. The URL is returned only if the user has permission to edit the community.
pt:ptdata.joincommunitiesdata Returns URL to launch Join Communities editor.
pt:ptdata.joinparentcommunitydata Returns URL to launch Join Communities editor for the parent Community of the current Community.
pt:ptdata.joincurrcommunitydata Returns URL to the Join Current Community action.
pt:ptdata.joincurrparentcommunitydata Returns URL to the Join Current Community action for the parent Community of the current Community.
pt:ptdata.unsubscribecommunitiesdata Returns URL to the Unsubscribe Communities editor.
pt:ptdata.navsettingvalue Returns a list of URLs to the communities listed in the NavigationSettings.xml file, specified by the commID attribute.

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