Oracle WebCenter Interaction Upgrade Guide for Unix and Linux

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Description of Changes to communityselectionlayout.html

The communityselectionlayout.html is a new layout.

Summary of layout:
  • The Join Communities Flyout provides a way to join and leave communities from any page.
  • There is an Edit My Communities link in the My Communities drop-down menu located on the base layout page that activates the flyout. This link and the flyout are available from any portal page.
  • The Join Communities Flyout expands out from below the top banner using XHTML (no page refresh).
  • This layout provides the equivalent functionality that is provided in the Join Communities and Unsubscribe Communities Editor:
    • Join a community
    • Unsubscribe from a community
    • Preview community
    • Send invitations
    • Search for communities
    • Pagination
    • Browse for communities
    • Provide breadcrumbs when browsing for communities
    • Join a community from the preview community dialog box
    • When in legacy UI mode, users still join or unsubscribe communities via the Join Communities Editor or Unsubscribe Communities Editor
  • This layout utilizes a new Join Communities Tag Library (joincommunitypageeditor) for displaying community data in the UI.
  • Joining and leaving a community utilizes JSON RESTful APIs to perform the requests; joincommunities.jslocated on the Image Server (pt://images/plumtree/portal/private/joincommunities/joincommunities.js) provides the supporting Javascript methods for calling these APIs.
  • All the specific CSS that are used in the layout are defined in joincommunities.csslocated on the Image Server (pt://images/plumtree/portal/private/joincommunities/joincommunities.css).

Refer to the individual tag docs for additional details on specific tags.

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