Oracle WebCenter Interaction Upgrade Guide for Unix and Linux

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Upgrading from AquaLogic Interaction 6.5 MP1 to Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3

This section provides an outline of the tasks required to upgrade your AquaLogic Interaction 6.5 MP1 installation to Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3 on Unix and Linux platforms.

  1. If you have multiple search nodes in a search cluster, purge the contents of your search cluster. For details, see Purging the Search Cluster.
  2. Shut down your search node(s).

    Run install_dir/ptsearchserver/10.3.0/bin/ stop.

    Note: This needs to be done on each machine that hosts a search node.
  3. If you have previously installed AquaLogic Pathways as part of your AquaLogic User Interaction deployment, you must uninstall Pathways.

    Pathways is not supported by Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3.

    For information on uninstalling Pathways, refer to the Installation Guide for AquaLogic Pathways.

  4. Upgrade your portal servers, automation servers, and search server components using the Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3 installer.

    For details, see Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10.3 Installer Wizard Pages on Unix and Linux.

    Note: You must run the installer as a user that has access rights to the Oracle Inventory directories. If you have not already granted these rights to the installing user, complete the steps described in Granting User and Group Access Rights to Oracle Inventory Directories.
  5. Upgrade the Oracle WebCenter Interaction database. For details, see Running the 6.5 MP1 to 10.3 SQL Database Upgrade Script.
  6. If you added or changed and custom styles or tag libraries, migrate your changes to the new configuration files. For details, see Description of Changes to Configuration Files.
  7. If you customized the adaptive layout files, migrate your changes to the new layout files. For details, see Description of Changes in Adaptive Layout Files.
  8. Restart portal and start your search node(s). Do not start the automation servers.
  9. Rebuild your portal search index. For details, see Rebuilding the Search Index.
  10. Upgrade any other Oracle WebCenter products you have installed using the associated 10.3 installers. For example, if you use identity services, content services, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration, Oracle WebCenter Analytics, or any other Oracle WebCenter products, you must also upgrade those products. For details, see the upgrade guides for the associated products.
  11. If you are using Oracle WebCenter Collaboration or Oracle-BEA AquaLogic Interaction Publisher, rebuild the associated indexes. To do this, access the administration utility for each product via your portal. For details, see the following administrator guides:
    • Administrator Guide for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration
    • Administrator Guide for AquaLogic Interaction Publisher
  12. Start your automation servers.
  13. Import the Search Cluster Manager migration package.

    For details, see Importing the Search Cluster Manager Migration Package

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