Oracle WebCenter Interaction Upgrade Guide for Unix and Linux

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Description of Changes to Configuration Files

When you upgrade your installation, the installer installs updated configuration files and backs up the previous versions of those files. This topic describes the difference between the updated configuration files and the previous versions of the files.

If you changed or added custom styles or tag libraries in your previous installation, you need to merge your changes to the updated configuration files.

The following configuration files have been updated:
  • PT_HOME/settings/config/CustomStyles.xml
  • PT_HOME/settings/config/FriendlyURLs.xml
  • PT_HOME/settings/config/Tags.xml
  • PT_HOME/settings/config/dynamicloads/Plugins/InterpreterFilters.xml
  • PT_HOME/settings/config/dynamicloads/Utilities/DisplayDiagnosticPages.xml

During an upgrade, the previous versions of your configuration files are backed up to the same directory with a .bak extension.


CustomStyles.xml enables you to use alternate stylesheets that can be substituted based on language. You can only override the language stylesheets when your portal uses adaptive layouts.

In 10.3, the process for specifying custom stylesheets has changed:
  • By default, PT_HOME/ptimages/imageserver/plumtree/common/public/css/mainstyle.css will be used for adaptive layouts. There will be no mappings defined in CustomStyles.xml. To override mainstyle.css and use an alternate stylesheet for a specified language, add a new mapping into CustomStyles.css.
  • The pt:standard.stylesheets transformer tag will always return the legacy stylesheet link located in PORTAL_HOME/i18n whether or not adaptive layout mode is enabled.
  • The pt://styles transformer tag performs differently depending on whether or not adaptive layout mode is enabled.
    • In adaptive layout mode, the pt://styles transformer tag will return PT_HOME/ptimages/imageserver/plumtree/common/public/css/mainstyle.css if there are no overrides in CustomStyles.css. If there are overrides, it will return the path to the custom stylesheet for the language specified.
    • In legacy mode, the pt://styles transformer tag will always return the path to the legacy stylesheets located in PORTAL_HOME/i18n.
  • The legacy stylesheets located in PORTAL_HOME/i18n will always be used for non-hosted gatewayed pages whether or not adaptive layout mode is enabled.
Refer to the TagDocs for more information about the pt:standard.stylesheets and pt://styles tags.

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