Plumtree PEIs  

ILoginActions.OnFailedLogin Method 

This function allows for some functionality to occur if a user should not login successfully. NOTE: To return a Redirect object on a failed login event, implement the ILoginActions2 interface instead in your LoginActions PEI, and use the OnFailedLoginDoRedirect method. PEIs implementing the ILoginActions2 interface are loaded exactly the same as PEIs implementing the ILoginActions interface. If a FailedLoginRedirect is returned by OnFailedLoginDoRedirect, then the error message returned by this method may or may not be displayed, depending upon where the user is redirected to.

string OnFailedLogin(
   ApplicationData _appData,
   string _strUserName,
   XPException _xpError


- This parameter provides access to some of the application data that would normally be available through the current Activity Space
- This is the name of the user who failed on login..
- the error that caused login to fail. May be null

Return Value

String - Any kind of specialized error message that needs to be returned to the user because of the failed login. This will override the error message from the exception it is not null or "".

See Also

ILoginActions Interface | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.pei Namespace