Plumtree PEIs  

IOpenerActions.OnBeforeOpen Method 

This function will perform some functionality just before we use the Common Opener to open an object (or direct to an Activity Space). To override the destination to Redirect to, the function will optionally return a Redirect. If multiple implementations are processed, they will be processed according to the order that they appearin the XML file. Processing will stop once an implemention returns a valid Redirect, however.

Redirect OnBeforeOpen(
   int _nClassID,
   int _nObjectID,
   string _strClassKey,
   XPHashtable _htQSArguments,
   Redirect _rRedirect,
   AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
   object _userSession


- Unchecked Class ID of the object that is being edited. -1 if the object to be opened does not use class IDs and object IDs (such as Activity Spaces).
- Unchecked Object ID of the object that is being edited. -1 if the object to be opened does not use class IDs and object IDs (such as Activity Spaces).
- The class key of this object. For objects that use class IDs and object IDs this will generally be the class ID.
- The query string arguments from the link to the Common Opener.
- The redirect generated by the Common Opener. This will be used unless a new redirect is returned by a PEI.
- Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
- Plumtree session object for the current user

Return Value

Redirect - Optional location that the User will be redirected after the functionality has completed. Leave this null otherwise.

See Also

IOpenerActions Interface | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.pei Namespace