Plumtree Tags API  

Scope Members

Scope overview

Public Static Fields

APPLICATION Application Scope Note: Data stored in this scope will only be removed when the application is restarted, so care should be used when storing data on the application to make sure it does not become cluttered with large amounts of data. Duration: The lifetime of the application.
Visibility: All tags for all users.
HTTP_REQUEST HTTP Request Scope A variable stored in HTTP Request Scope will be visible to all tags in the same HTTP request as the current tag, and will be removed from memory when the HTTP request is finished displaying. Duration: The HTTP request.
Visibility: All tags in the same HTTP request.
PERSISTENT_SESSION Persistent Session Scope This scope is not cleared of its data on user logout, so be sure not to cache anything on this scope that could be considered a security risk if it was leaked to another user. In practice, however, since HTTP sessions are abandoned on portal logout, this Scope behaves almost exactly the same as the normal Session Scope. If the browser session times out, a new browser is opened, or the HTTP session is abandoned, this information will not be maintained. NOTE: Clicking logout on the portal will automatically abandon this session. The only time when sessions are not abandoned is for internal session changes (E.G. Editing the default profile or multiple guest user customizations). Most developers should use the Session Scope for HTTP Session data storage. Duration: The HTTP session (over multiple logins, but not over session timeouts or session abandonment).
Visibility: All tags for this user / HTTP Session (unless a user is logged in multiple times with different HTTP Sessions).
PORTLET_REQUEST Portlet Request Scope A variable stored in Portlet Request Scope will be visible to all tags in the same portlet as the current tag, and will be removed from memory when the portlet is finished displaying. Tags in other portlets on the same page will not be able to see the variable. Duration: The portlet request.
Visibility: All tags in the same portlet.
SESSION Session Scope This data on this scope is cleared when a user logs out and logs in again. If the browser session times out, a new browser is opened, or the HTTP session is abandoned, this information will not be maintained. Duration: The session login (not over session timeouts or session abandonment).
Visibility: All tags for this user / HTTP Session (unless a user is logged in multiple times with different HTTP Sessions).
TAG Tag Scope A variable stored in Tag Scope can only be seen by children of the current tag and will be removed from memory when the tag is finished. I.E. <pt:atag><pt:btag/></pt:atag><pt:ctag/> Data stored in Tag Scope by "atag" will be visible to "btag" but not "ctag". Duration: The DisplayTag() method call in this tag (i.e. The life of the tag).
Visibility: This tag and all child tags.

Public Static Methods

GetScope This helper method converts from a String representation of a scope to a Scope object. This is not case-sensitive.
GetScopeSearchOrder Returns the order in which Scopes are searched during attribute value replacement. Variables are searched first, and then shared variables.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
ToString Human readable name of the Scope.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

Scope Class | com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.tags Namespace