Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

IControl Interface

Controls process the events generated by users. The Interpreter takes the user events and fills out the fields in the control. The control is then executed and returns the next DisplayPage (usually the parent page, unless the control is a go to url control). Controls should encapsulate the business logic of the AActivitySpace. As an MVC component, Views are subject to the strict separation between data, logic, and presentation. Obviously, there should be a good way to refer to controls without having to manually type in a text string. There should be some sort of package identifier used to get these.

For a list of all members of this type, see IControl Members.


public interface IControl : IMVCObject, IManagedObject

Types that implement IControl

Type Description
EditorHelperRepostControl This class is a helper class for the EditorRepostControl. This is NOT a real control. The PerformRepostAction method will have to be called by the main RepostControl class of the Editor. This class can be used to implement common or plug-in sections and can also be used as a secondary RepostControl class if the main one is getting too big and you want to split the code into multiple classes.
EditorRepostControl This repost control implements the repost actions for Editor pages.
EditorStartControl This start control is called anytime an Editor is started. Start Control classes should extend this class.
ErrorControl This control provides control functionality for views and models responsible for displaying error messages.
ExpListControl This class handles the repost actions for the Expandable List framework.
PaginationControl This control sets the current pagination that the user has requested.
RepostControl This class is used along with IRepostModel and IRepostAS to partially implement the logic of the repost action. Those two classes are used by the Editor Framework to help implementing the repost mechanism on any Editor page. They can also be used by any other Activity Space. To do so here is what you need to do: - Extend this class in your activity space and add any repost action (e.g.: com.plumtree.portalpagessample.editor.template1.PropRepostControl). - Your model must implement IRepostModel. - Your AS must implement IRepostAS. - In your view, you can implement any repost action using the postToSelf JavaScript method. - If you extend PlumtreeDP and call SetAddMainForm(true) in the init method of your DP, the form and the JS postToSelf will be printed out automatically.
SortControl This control sets the sort to use.
BaseOpenerControl This control redirects to the appropriate editor, file, etc.
TipsControl This control provides control functionality for views and models responsible for displaying error messages.
AStartTreeControl This abstract class handles setting most of the portal independent variables on the ITreeModel when a new tree is started.
RefreshTreeControl This control is used to re-open a previously opened tree and refresh the contents (which objects are selected, etc...).
TreeRepostControl The tree repost control handles the common actions in the tree, such as expanding nodes.


Namespace: com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace

Assembly: uiinfrastructure (in uiinfrastructure.dll)

See Also

IControl Members | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace Namespace