Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

IControl Members

IControl overview

Public Instance Methods

CheckActionSecurityAndExecute Execute the control business logic and optionally return a Redirect object pointing to another AActivitySpace. Returning null means that the user should return to the parent AActivitySpace's current page. This method is designed to check that the user has access to perform the actions with the given parameters. If the user does not, a redirect object which has had Redirect.SetRedirectToLogin(true) called on it. If the user is the Guest, this will bounce to the login page and back to the Redirect after the user has logged on. If the user is already logged on, they will be redirected to an error page. In general, the error redirect that is returned should contain all of the query string parameters that made up the URL that originally led to the control. Checking whether or not a particular user ever has any access to the space, page, and control should be done in IPTActivitySpace.CheckBasicAccess().
Init Initialize the control with the model it should use and it's parent AActivitySpace. This method needs to be called before any other methods. This method also clears all internal data so the control can be used again without fear of mixing data.

See Also

IControl Interface | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace Namespace