Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

IStartupTask Interface

Interface for implementing a startup task. Progress trackers like the diagnostic tool can subscribe to notifications from the startup manager. Startup tasks include a series of steps, each of which returns a result: OK, WARN, ERR, FATAL. The progress manager uses these results to maintain overall warmup progress. Each task has a unique ID; each step has a sequential ID. These ID's inform notification subscribers to allow support for detailed progress diagnostic messages, which are maintained *outside* of this framework; the purpose of this framework is to manage startup and send notifications on progres, no more. The concept of setup and teardown are not directly supported; developers are expected to implement such code as the first and last step in the task.

For a list of all members of this type, see IStartupTask Members.

public interface IStartupTask : IMessage

Types that implement IStartupTask

Type Description
CheckDBVersion Verifies database version and some of the important tables. Also fully excercises the object managers.
CheckDevKit Check the version of the JDK / .NET runtime we are on. Pretty basic test.
InitializeActivitySpaces Loads the production activity spaces for the portal.
InitializeApplication Initializes the Application. After this point the CachingManager and VarPackManager will be available, as well as the Application.
InitializeConfigHelper Initializes the config helper. This loads the core ConfigVarPack.
InitializeImageServerHelper Initializes the ImageServerHelper. After this point, the paths to the ImageServer and the Connection URL will be available, and the ImageServerHelper will be added to the Application Cache.
InitializeImageServerHelperPartII Initializes the ImageServerHelper, Part II. Logs in as guest, then tests the imageserver.
InitializeObjects Initializes Objects. This method will initialize any additional objects specified here, and any additional objects as specified by the AppWarmUpHelper. After this point, the Portal's TempFile, JSRegistry, and Secure JSRegistry will be available, as well as the objects defined in AppWarmUpHelper.
InitializePaths Initializes all the path variables used by AppWarmup.
InitializeResourceManager Initializes the ResourceManager. After this point the ResourceManager will be available in the Application cache. The ResourceManager handles all the i18n files. TODO: This should be reloadable, but it's not. There is a bug filed against OpenFoundation. When the bug is fixed, add a method to reload the ResourceManager.
InitializeVarPacks Initializes VarPacks. This method will load the VarPacks specified in the VarPacks.xml file, as well as any additional VarPacks as declared by the AppWarmUpHelper. After this point, the Application VarPackManager will contain all of the initial VarPacks.
InitPortalObjects Wraps openkernel and portalobjectsfactory initialization in a multistep startup class with detailed recommendations on failures.
LoadCustomLoads Large bundled task that handles all the dynamic loads related to activityspaces, PEIs and such.
LoadVersionHelper Loads the Version Information.


Namespace: com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.application.notification

Assembly: uiinfrastructure (in uiinfrastructure.dll)

See Also

IStartupTask Members | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.application.notification Namespace