Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.application.notification Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
PT_STARTUP_RESULTCODES Startup task result codes enumerator. Relatively self-explanatory. Name and ID getters were included for notification automatioon.
ReturnValue Container for a result code and a status message. The startup task runner uses these for separate notification and exception processing.


Interface Description
IStartupTask Interface for implementing a startup task. Progress trackers like the diagnostic tool can subscribe to notifications from the startup manager. Startup tasks include a series of steps, each of which returns a result: OK, WARN, ERR, FATAL. The progress manager uses these results to maintain overall warmup progress. Each task has a unique ID; each step has a sequential ID. These ID's inform notification subscribers to allow support for detailed progress diagnostic messages, which are maintained *outside* of this framework; the purpose of this framework is to manage startup and send notifications on progres, no more. The concept of setup and teardown are not directly supported; developers are expected to implement such code as the first and last step in the task.