Uiinfrastructure API Docs  

DevicesVarPack Members

DevicesVarPack overview

Public Static Fields

VARPACK_ID The string ID of this variable package.

Public Instance Constructors

DevicesVarPack Constructor Initializes a new instance of the DevicesVarPack class.

Public Instance Methods

CanReloadVarPackFromUI (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
ExpireVarPackContent (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
GetApplicationBaseURL This method returns the Application Base URL. This is for easy access. You could just call GetConfigValueAsString with the appropriate parameters.
GetConfigPath (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
GetDevice This method determines the proper markup type to use for whatever device the user is using. This uses the accepts header and locates the first supported markup format that the device prefers.
GetExpireTimeout (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetReloadInterval (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetVarPackKeys This method will return an enumeration of the top level nodes in the XML tree that is x_config.xml.
GetVarPackValue (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
IsLoaded (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
LoadVarPack (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
OnExpireEvent (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
OnReloadEvent (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
ReloadVarPack (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
SetExpireTimeout (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
SetReloadInterval (inherited from com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.BaseVarPack) 
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

ExpireContent You cannot expire the x_config.xml content. You can only reload it. This method does nothing.
Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetValue This method will return a chunk of from one level under the PTConfig node.
InternalGetDeviceValueAsString This is an internal helper method.
InternalGetDeviceValues This is an internal helper method
Load This method loads the x_config.xml file into memory.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
Reload This method reloads the x_config.xml file into memory. It delegates to Load().

See Also

DevicesVarPack Class | com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.application.varpacks Namespace