Interface IWSSubModel

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActSecurityPluginModel, AddSettingsPluginModel, AddUserInfoPluginModel, AdvSettingsPluginModel, AssocObjectsPluginModel, AWSSettingsPluginModel, BasicAuthPluginModel, ChooseWSTypePluginModel, CredentialVaultPluginModel, CWSSettingsPluginModel, DebugConfigPluginModel, DebugPortletPluginModel, DebugUserPluginModel, FormLoginFieldsPluginModel, FormLoginPluginModel, GatewayCachingPluginModel, GatewayPrefixPluginModel, GatewaySettingsPluginModel, HelpURLPluginModel, HTTPSettingsPluginModel, IntrinsicHelpSpacePluginModel, IntrinsicPortletWSSettingsPluginModel, IntrinsicProfilePluginModel, IntrinsicUserPrefsPluginModel, MWSSettingsPluginModel, PrefsListPluginModel, PWSSettingsPluginModel, RemoteConfigPluginModel, RemoteMigrationPluginModel, RemoteServerPluginModel, SelectDevicesPluginModel, SOAPEncodingPluginModel, SummaryURLPluginModel, SWSSettingsPluginModel, UserInfoPluginModel, UserPrefsPluginModel, XUIURLPluginModel

public interface IWSSubModel

adolfoc This interface must be implemented by any plugin model that wishes to receive updates from the WebServiceModel. Each plugin model must also be registered with the WebServiceModel using WebServiceModel.RegisterWSSubModel(String strPluginModelStorageName).

Method Summary
 void DoTaskBeforeWSStore()
          Sub models are expected to store themselves to the ptWebService object passed in in InitWSModel during this call.
 void DoTaskOnRemoteServerUpdate(java.lang.String strRemoteServerID, java.lang.String strRemoteServerName, java.lang.String strRemoteServerBaseURL)
          Called when the Remote Server is changed.
 void DoTaskOnWSModeUpdate(int nNewWSMode)
          Called when the Web Service type is changed.
 java.lang.String GetValidationFunction()
          This returns the name of the client-side validation function that the model wants added to the page-level validation funtion.
 void InitWSModel(IPTWebService ptWebService)
          Initializes the sub-model.

Method Detail


void DoTaskBeforeWSStore()
Sub models are expected to store themselves to the ptWebService object passed in in InitWSModel during this call.


void DoTaskOnRemoteServerUpdate(java.lang.String strRemoteServerID,
                                java.lang.String strRemoteServerName,
                                java.lang.String strRemoteServerBaseURL)
Called when the Remote Server is changed. This is mostly used to update the base-url displayed before URL edit boxes.


void DoTaskOnWSModeUpdate(int nNewWSMode)
Called when the Web Service type is changed.


java.lang.String GetValidationFunction()
This returns the name of the client-side validation function that the model wants added to the page-level validation funtion. Models return null or "" if they don't have a validation function.


void InitWSModel(IPTWebService ptWebService)
Initializes the sub-model. Provides an opportunity for the submodel to load it's state from the WebService.

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