Interface IObjectSelectionModel

All Known Implementing Classes:
ObjectSelectionModel, PortletInBundleObjectSelectionModel

public interface IObjectSelectionModel

This interface contains the methods on the Object Selection Model that change the state of the model. Read Only methods are on the IObjectSelectionModelRO.

Method Summary
 void RefreshSelectedObjects()
          This method refreshes the selected objects by requerying for them on the page.
 void SetDisplaySearch(boolean _bDisplaySearch)
          This method is used by the portlet flyout control to switch from browse mode to search mode.
 void SetFirstDisplayableItem(int _nFirstItem)
          Set the first displayable item for pagination in the object selection model if pagination is used.
 void SetItemsPerPage(int _nItemsPerPage)
          Set the number of items per page for pagination in the object selection model if pagination is used.
 void SetObjectViewIndex(int nObjectViewIndex)
          Sets the index of the object view the page is currently displaying.

Method Detail


void SetDisplaySearch(boolean _bDisplaySearch)
This method is used by the portlet flyout control to switch from browse mode to search mode.

_bDisplaySearch - whether or not we are in search mode.


void SetObjectViewIndex(int nObjectViewIndex)
Sets the index of the object view the page is currently displaying. Called from the class displaying the different object types.

nObjectViewIndex -


void RefreshSelectedObjects()
This method refreshes the selected objects by requerying for them on the page. This should not be necessary in normal operation and should only be used if the portlets on the page have changed outside of the editor model (i.e. in the portlet flyout).


void SetFirstDisplayableItem(int _nFirstItem)
Set the first displayable item for pagination in the object selection model if pagination is used.

_nFirstItem -


void SetItemsPerPage(int _nItemsPerPage)
Set the number of items per page for pagination in the object selection model if pagination is used.

_nItemsPerPage -

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