Class PortletSelGroupedResults508ViewHelper

  extended by com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.objectselection.portlets.PortletSelGroupedResults508ViewHelper
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PortletSelGroupedResults508ViewHelper
extends java.lang.Object
implements IGroupedResultsViewHelper


Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String CELL_HEIGHT
protected static java.lang.String LOW_CELL_HEIGHT
protected  AActivitySpace m_asOwner
protected  XPDateFormat m_dateFormat
protected  ISearchResultModelRO m_model
protected  GroupedResultsView m_view
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 HTMLElement DisplayCollection()
          Returns the element that all other elements will be added to, such as an HTMLTable.
 HTMLElement DisplayFooter()
          Returns an element that will appear after all results regardless of whether the results are grouped.
 HTMLElement DisplayFooterIfUngrouped()
          Returns an element that will appear after all results if the results are not grouped.
 HTMLElement DisplayGroupFooter(int groupNum)
          Returns an element that will appear after all results in a single group.
 HTMLElement DisplayGroupHeader(int groupNum)
          Returns the header element (e.g.
 HTMLElement DisplayHeader()
          Returns an element that will appear before all results, whether or not the results are grouped.
 HTMLElement DisplayHeaderIfUngrouped()
          Returns the header element (e.g.
 HTMLScript DisplayJavascript()
          Returns javascript for the view.
 HTMLElement DisplaySingleResult(int _nResultIndex, boolean oddRow, int groupNum)
          Returns the header element (e.g.
 java.lang.String formatPath(java.lang.String path)
          Helper method to format path string in a friendly way
 java.lang.String formatSize(int sizeInBytes)
          Helper method to format size string in a friendly way
 void Init(AActivitySpace _owner, ISearchResultModelRO _model, GroupedResultsView _view)
          Called to set the activityspace, model, and view being used
 void InitDisplayResults()
          Call this method before calling any of the other methods to do initialization.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected AActivitySpace m_asOwner


protected ISearchResultModelRO m_model


protected GroupedResultsView m_view


protected static final java.lang.String CELL_HEIGHT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String LOW_CELL_HEIGHT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected XPDateFormat m_dateFormat
Constructor Detail


public PortletSelGroupedResults508ViewHelper()
Method Detail


public void Init(AActivitySpace _owner,
                 ISearchResultModelRO _model,
                 GroupedResultsView _view)
Description copied from interface: IGroupedResultsViewHelper
Called to set the activityspace, model, and view being used

Specified by:
Init in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public java.lang.String formatPath(java.lang.String path)
Helper method to format path string in a friendly way


public java.lang.String formatSize(int sizeInBytes)
Helper method to format size string in a friendly way


public HTMLScript DisplayJavascript()
Returns javascript for the view.

Specified by:
DisplayJavascript in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplayCollection()
Returns the element that all other elements will be added to, such as an HTMLTable. If null is returned, a generic HTMLElementCollection will be used.

Specified by:
DisplayCollection in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplayHeader()
Returns an element that will appear before all results, whether or not the results are grouped.

Specified by:
DisplayHeader in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplayFooter()
Returns an element that will appear after all results regardless of whether the results are grouped.

Specified by:
DisplayFooter in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplayHeaderIfUngrouped()
Returns the header element (e.g. an HTMLTableRow containing column headings) that will be used if the results are not grouped. Not called if the results are grouped.

Specified by:
DisplayHeaderIfUngrouped in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplayFooterIfUngrouped()
Returns an element that will appear after all results if the results are not grouped. Not called if the results are grouped.

Specified by:
DisplayFooterIfUngrouped in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplayGroupHeader(int groupNum)
Returns the header element (e.g. an HTMLTableRow containing column headings) that will be used if the results are grouped. Not called if the results are ungrouped.

Specified by:
DisplayGroupHeader in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplayGroupFooter(int groupNum)
Returns an element that will appear after all results in a single group. Not called if the results are ungrouped.

Specified by:
DisplayGroupFooter in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public HTMLElement DisplaySingleResult(int _nResultIndex,
                                       boolean oddRow,
                                       int groupNum)
Returns the header element (e.g. an HTMLTableRow) headings) for a single search result.

Specified by:
DisplaySingleResult in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper


public void InitDisplayResults()
Description copied from interface: IGroupedResultsViewHelper
Call this method before calling any of the other methods to do initialization.

Specified by:
InitDisplayResults in interface IGroupedResultsViewHelper

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