Interface ICreateAccountActions

public interface ICreateAccountActions

This interface was created to allow developers the ability to create functions that would be dynamically discovered by the Plumtree application that would perform some functionality that would occur during the acceptance of a invitation or manual creation of a user account.

NOTE: Should this interface be implemented more than once within the Dynamic Discovery process, the implementations will be processed in the order that they are displayed within the representative XML file. All implementations will be called.

NOTE: In the case where multiple implementations return a String object, all the valid Strings (not null and not empty) will be appended together (separated by a blank space) and the final String will be the error message displayed on the page.

Method Summary
 void OnAfterAcceptInvite(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, java.lang.String _strInviteCode)
          This function will perform some functionality after a particular invitation has been accepted by a anonymous user.
 java.lang.String OnBeforeCreateAccount(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace, IPTSession _ptUserSession, java.lang.String _strUserName, java.lang.String _strPassword)
          This function will perform some functionality after the manual creation of a user account.

Method Detail


void OnAfterAcceptInvite(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                         IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                         java.lang.String _strInviteCode)
This function will perform some functionality after a particular invitation has been accepted by a anonymous user.

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_strInviteCode - - String Code of the Invitation being accepted.


java.lang.String OnBeforeCreateAccount(AActivitySpace _asCurrentSpace,
                                       IPTSession _ptUserSession,
                                       java.lang.String _strUserName,
                                       java.lang.String _strPassword)
This function will perform some functionality after the manual creation of a user account. (Clicking on the Create Account button on the Login screen.)

_asCurrentSpace - - Provides access to the current MVC classes as well as the Application and the HTTP Session
_ptUserSession - - Plumtree session object for the current user
_strUserName - - Potential user name for the user trying to be created.
_strPassword - - Potential password for the user trying to be created.
String - Error message if the creation should not continue, empty string or null if it should.

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