Package com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.application.varpacks

Class Summary
PTAppConstants This class currently is not used.
PTConfigConstants This class contains constants for PTconfig.xml and the x_config.xml files.
PTConfigVarPack This VarPack contains the Plumtree Application data.
PTDirPrefsVarPack This VarPack contains the localized names for all the installed locales.
PTDocTypesVarPack This VarPack contains the localized names for all the document types.
PTNavSettingsVarPack Varpack to load navigation sepcific settings.
PTSearchLocaleVarPack This VarPack contains the localized names for all the installed locales
PTSSOVarPack VarPack for sso.xml, a file used to customize various SSO integrations.
PTTimeZoneVarPack This var pack contains the time zone information.

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