Class SaveObjectAS

  extended by com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.AActivitySpace
      extended by com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.form.AFormAS
          extended by com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.editor.saveobject.SaveObjectAS
All Implemented Interfaces:
IManagedObject, IMVCObject, IFormAS, IEnvironment

public class SaveObjectAS
extends AFormAS

This is the AS class for the save object pop-up window. The save object window will pop-up at the end of each object Editor in create mode.

Julie Fournier

Field Summary
static java.lang.String STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME
          Class name for the activity space
Fields inherited from class com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.form.AFormAS
Fields inherited from class com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.AActivitySpace
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean CheckBasicAccess(java.lang.String strPage, java.lang.String strControl, boolean bSameSpace)
          This method is called by the Interpreter at the beginning of every HTTP request to determine whether or not the current user has the security privileges necessary to view the requested page.
 java.lang.Object Create()
          This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.
 java.lang.String GetName()
          This method is used to identify the type of this space.
 java.lang.String GetRepostControlName()
          Returns the name of the repost control class.
 void Init()
          Initialize the Activity Space.
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.form.AFormAS
Methods inherited from class com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.activityspace.AActivitySpace
ChangeSubSpaceKey, CleanupAllData, CleanupTempData, DeleteSubSpace, GetAccessStyle, GetApplication, GetControl, GetControlExists, GetControlsEnumerator, GetCurrentFormData, GetCurrentHTTPRequest, GetCurrentHTTPResponse, GetCurrentNormalizedBaseURL, GetCurrentPage, GetCurrentRequestURL, GetHelpTopic, GetIsAccessStyleNonStandard, GetIsAccessStyleStandard, GetIsInPlaceRefreshDisplayOn, GetIsInPlaceRefreshEnabled, GetIsSecuredSpace, GetLanguage, GetLocale, GetModel, GetModelExists, GetModelsEnumerator, GetPage, GetPageExists, GetPagesEnumerator, GetParentSpace, GetParentSpaceID, GetParentSpaceName, GetPersistentSubSession, GetResourceManager, GetSpaceID, GetString, GetStyleSheetLinks, GetSubSession, GetSubSpace, GetSubSpaceExists, GetSubSpaceKey, GetSubSpacesEnumerator, GetTimeZone, GetUserSession, GetVarPack, GetView, GetViewExists, GetViewsEnumerator, IsSubSpace, refString, RegisterControl, RegisterControl, RegisterModel, RegisterModel, RegisterPage, RegisterPage, RegisterSubSpace, RegisterView, RegisterView, ReInit, SetApplication, SetCurrentFormData, SetCurrentHTTPRequestResponseObjects, SetCurrentPage, SetCurrentRequestURL, SetHelpTopic, SetIsASSecured, SetIsInPlaceRefreshDisplayOn, SetIsInPlaceRefreshEnabled, SetOverWriteSubSpaces, SetParentSpace, SetPersistentSubSession, SetSpaceID, SetSubSession, SetSubSpaceKey, SetTrackCurrentPage, SetUserSession, unrefString, UnRegisterControl, UnRegisterModel, UnRegisterPage, UnRegisterView
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String STR_MVC_CLASS_NAME
Class name for the activity space

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SaveObjectAS()
Method Detail


public boolean CheckBasicAccess(java.lang.String strPage,
                                java.lang.String strControl,
                                boolean bSameSpace)
Description copied from class: AActivitySpace
This method is called by the Interpreter at the beginning of every HTTP request to determine whether or not the current user has the security privileges necessary to view the requested page. This method is designed for checking whether or not a particular user has any access to the space, page, and control. More detailed checking (of query string parameters, for instance), should be done in the IControl.CheckActionSecurityAndExecute() method. For Plumtree portal applications (IPTActivitySpaces), since the IPTSession is guaranteed to be set before Init() & CheckBasicAccess() are called, you can check access as follows: return (GetIPTSession().GetSessionInfo().CheckForActivityRight (new Integer(PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHTS.PT_ACTIVITY_RIGHT_ACCESS_ADMINISTRATION)) == 1);

Specified by:
CheckBasicAccess in class AActivitySpace
boolean true implies access is allowed, false implies access is denied
See Also:
com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.activityspace.AActivitySpace#CheckBasicAccess(String, String, boolean)


public java.lang.Object Create()
Description copied from class: AActivitySpace
This method is used by the ASManager to return new instances of managed objects.

Specified by:
Create in interface IManagedObject
Specified by:
Create in class AActivitySpace
A new instance of the managed class (i.e. return new Foo();)
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetName()
Description copied from class: AActivitySpace
This method is used to identify the type of this space.

Specified by:
GetName in interface IMVCObject
Specified by:
GetName in class AFormAS
String the name of this AActivitySpace
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetRepostControlName()
Returns the name of the repost control class. E.g.: PropRepostControl.GetName()

Specified by:
GetRepostControlName in interface IFormAS
GetRepostControlName in class AFormAS
See Also:


public void Init()
Description copied from class: AActivitySpace
Initialize the Activity Space. This method is called after common attributes like ID, parent, session, application, etc... are set. Get methods are not valid until this method is called. This method should be overridden and called as super.Init();

Init in class AFormAS
See Also:

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