Class UIConstructFactory

  extended by com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.htmlconstructs.UIConstructFactory

public class UIConstructFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Ben Geislinger Use this class to obtain PTConstruct objects.

Objects of this class cannot be instantiated. This class only provides a static method for obtaining instances of PTConstruct objects.

Method Summary
static PTConstruct GetConstruct(PTConstructType type)
          Call this method to obtain a PTConstruct.
static PTConstruct GetConstruct(PTConstructType type, boolean bUpdateStrings, AActivitySpace activitySpace)
          Call this method to obtain a PTConstruct.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static PTConstruct GetConstruct(PTConstructType type)
Call this method to obtain a PTConstruct.

type - Pass the type of construct you wish to obtain. Construct types are available as static members of the various PTConstructType classes.


public static PTConstruct GetConstruct(PTConstructType type,
                                       boolean bUpdateStrings,
                                       AActivitySpace activitySpace)
Call this method to obtain a PTConstruct.

type - Pass the type of construct you wish to obtain. Construct types are available as static members of the various PTConstructType classes.

bUpdateStrings - Pass a boolean value indicating whether or not you wish for the strings of this banner to be updated automatically. If you pass true, all appropriate strings will be replaced with localized versions. If you pass false, all strings will be left with they prototypical values. You can update the strings yourself, using the string dictionary returned by the PTBannerType.GetStringDictionary method.

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